The Other Side

Chapter 1- Lying on my death bed.

All-American Rejects was blaring on the radio in my car as I sang along.
‘’When you see my face, hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell’’ I slurred drunkenly, giggling hysterically at irony that my boyfriend just cheated on me tonight with my best friend and this was my song for them. My happy tears turned to tears of grief and the thought dawned on me, my best friend that I’ve known since I was 7, slept with my boyfriend of three years, I thought I loved him. I shook my head angrily as tears blurred my vision.

They didn’t deserve my tears, my time, my anything. Their betrayal hurt too much and with my drunken state I was all the more emotional. Sobs racked up through my body and a lump formed in my throat as I gasped for breath and before I knew what happened, my car swerved on icy road, I clung to the steering wheel in fear and desperation and tried turning my car back onto the road before I got into an accident.
Bile rose into my throat when my car was just inches off driving of them bridge, my breath became harsher as if I was choking on air, tears came faster, streaming down my face and I turned the wheel frantically grasping onto my last hope or I’d surely die.

My head smacked painfully on the wheel and black dots blurred in my vision I don’t remember the car falling from the bridge, only the icy burn on my skin when I plunged into the near frozen water, I couldn’t think straight all I could I feel was panic, I was terror stricken and all I could do was hold my breath and try to escape. I was dizzy and my head was pounding. Am I going to die? That was my last thought as I descended into a dark abyss.

An incessant beeping noise echoed in my ears and the putrid smell of bleach flooded my nostrils, so
It hurt to breath but I found that I couldn’t move. What was happening to me?
The last thing I remember was driving home whilst singing…
The car swerved on the ice…
And I… Drowned?
Am I dead right now?

I heard something that sounded similar to a door opening and closing and footsteps travelling nearer till they were right to me, I could make out the sounded of quiet sobbing, but I had no idea what was happening because I couldn’t make my eyes open. If I’m dead why can I hear this person crying and why can’t I see?

‘’I’m so sorry, Delilah, and I know that will never be enough for what I did but I’m sorry and I hope you can get better’’ I knew this voice, how could I not? It was my ex- best friend, Alison. She continued to sob till I thought my ears were bleeding, and although I felt kind of bad for her she betrayed me and she could cry all she wanted but I could never master the art of forgive and forget. I tended to hold grudge even if it was for just stealing one of my chocolates, you were going down.

One thought that kept buffering in my head, was I really dead? Maybe I wasn’t dead, maybe I was blind? If I was I think I may rather be dead.
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Suggestions? What do you think?