Dying to Be Happy

My personal experiences with eating disorders, suicide, depression, and other mental disorders. My story needs to be told. So this is it.
  1. BIGGER Than Expected
    How this all started, basically...
  2. Something to Think About
  3. Don't Look at Me; I'm Fat
  4. Let the Names Begin...
    I guess people started to notice...
  5. You Gain Some, You Lose Some
    He wasn't just a cat. He was my heart. ♥
  6. Bigger Things Have Happened
  7. Movin' On Up
    Long chapter.. but it's a recollection of my 1st day of middle school. This day is an important event that relates to the rest of the year. It's good information for future chapters.
  8. Can it Get Any Worse?
    Major event that happened to me during my 6th grade year. It had a huge impact.
  9. Change
    I started changing... And people started to notice.
  10. Starving for Skinny
    I was so hungry for food... but I was starving for skinny.
  11. Better Than You Thought It'd Be
    Ms. Janyce is a big factor in my life story. This chapter is how I met and got to know her.
  12. Spill
    I told my mom how I was really feeling...
  13. You Made Me Do It
  14. Rage
    This was the teacher that pushed me over the edge. As in a sequel chapter to "Teacher Diaries"
  15. Hope
    I had no choice but to come face to face with my own personal hope
  16. Hope is the Only Thing Stronger Than Fear
  17. Monkey See Monkey Do
    It's all down hill from here...
  18. 180
    My life took a total 180 turn... for better or for worse? You decide.
  19. Another Mommy to Be
    Kacie was changing my life.... And I was changing hers.
  20. The "Cut" Off
    I craved death.