Inevitable Fate

Ava Blackmore, a woman of great power and wealth tells the story of her life, an adventure and at times a nightmare, travelling the world to escape her villainous cousin Cody Clontz who will go to any measure to kill whomever takes her hand in marriage or even loves her. After having gone through so many loves, and losing more than she wanted, she decided to continue her voyage alone. Alone however, didn’t last long. She meets a woman who much to her surprise was very much like her, but also not. Jackie Bonny, who begins as an annoying bother, later becomes her companion and most faithful friend. After residing in Italy for so many years, they took on the states, where Ava would soon meet the love of her life, Damon Salvatore. From being all over the world to settling down in the states, things got a little crazy when Ava soon discovers in time, Rock N’ Roll. From then on the house occupancy continues to grow, making the family as they called each other, become more dysfunctional, crazy, yet closer.
  1. Trapped
  2. One day of freedom
    Ava gets her one day of freedom....