Oh, Brother

Breakfest and Police station.

"Abby, Zak time to get up." Mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I heard my brother get out of bed.

"Come on Abs get up." Zak said walking out of our room. Yeah we share a room the house wasn't as big as my dad's but I can't complain.

"Zak, 5 more minutes" I said covering my head with a blanket. Zak had come back in and turned on the light.

"No Abby get up." he said pushing me off my bed.

"Abby get your ass out of bed before I call your father and tell him you can't go see him this weekend." Mom said walking into the room.

"Fine, Fine, Fine." I said getting up off the floor.

"Good, Now hurry up both of you. we have to leave in 30mins." Mom said leaving the room.

I got dressed and went down stairs were mom was making pancakes and bacon. I walk into the room and see my Step-dad dressed in his uniform. My older sister plying on her phone and my brother just eating off the plate that was sat in front of him. I sit in my spot at the table in between my brother and step-dad.

"Morning Abs." Dave said looking at me with a smile. I like him. He's vary caring.

"Morning Dave." I said smiling back.

"So what are we doing today?" Zak asked taking a bite of his bacon. Today is the first day of summer vacation.

" I was thinking maybe we could go to the beach or the mall." Mom said handing me a plate and sitting down with hers.

"Babe, remember I was going to take Abby to the station with me." Dave said.

"Why can't Zak go this time. I went lats time."I said.

"Abby, just go with him. It helps you stay out of trouble." Mom said.

"When was the last time I got in trouble?" I asked.

"3 weeks ago." Dave said.

"I think it was foe throwing apples at the grocery store." My sister said looking up from her phone.

"Hey Dave, If you don't mind may I tag along?" Zak asked. Zak and I are almost always together we just feel safer with each other around.

"Sure, why not."Dave said smiling at Zak.

"Looks like you have the twins with you." Mom said standing up and collecting plates from everyone.

"Do you really want to go bro?" I ask.

"It's better then going to the mall with them." Zak whispered to me.

"True that." I said with a laugh.

"Alright you tow time to leave." Dave said walking to the door.

Zak and I got in the back of Dave's squad car. I hate going to the police station it's so boring. We walk in and say 'Hi' to Dave's co-workers.

"Is it going to be like this all summer?" I ask Dave with hope it wouldn't.

"No, Abby it won't. Just every once in awhile, OK." Dave said.

I sighed and went back to the video game I was playing. Dave always had games here just in case us kids came up to hangout. Like anyone likes to hang out at a police station. Well besides Dave. Zak's phone went off saying he had a text message.

"Who is it?" I ask pausing the game.

"It's Nick asking we are going to film that video tonight." Zak said texting Nick back.

"Can we Dave?" I ask looking over at Dave who is doing paper work.

"Sure just no stupid stunts... Again." Dave said.

I laughed because I remember last weekend. Zak and I had climbed a tree in the back yard. When we came down I landed safely but Zak landed on his ankle. Good thing he only sprained it.

"What time?" Zak asked Dave looking down at his ankle with a smirk.

"Maybe 7:00. Tell them they can spend the night." Dave Said going back to work.

"It's going to be a long night."I said. Every time Zak has Nick and/or Aaron over for the night they stay up all night trying to scare the crap out of each other.

"You know you can have friends over too Abby." Dave said.

"I'm good. I have Zak's friends." I said with a laugh.

"Hey, Their not just my friends." Zak said

"Actually Zak they are. I just hang out with them." I said going back to me game.
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Finally got the done. Leave a comment...Please. = )