Oh, Brother

Noise, Noise, and More Noise.

********/Hours Later/********

"I'm tired." Dave said walking through the front door. It's 6:35 right now. 25min till I wont have any quit time.

"I bet, Paper work can put anyone to sleep." I said walking to the stairs to go to my room.

When I made it to my room I laid in my bed with my book I was currently reading. Zak walked in and turned on his 'Xbox'. Turning it down so would not yell at him. Sure we argue but never fight. He's my twin and we have always been close. Zak is my best friend.

"Zak, Do you think I'm a bad person?" I asked him. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Abby, you are not a bad person." Zak said looking back at the TV screen.

"Are you just saying that because your my brother?" I ask putting my book down.

"No Abs I mean it." He said.

I sighed and rolled over onto my side facing away from Zak and fell asleep. I wake up maybe an hour later to the boys almost yelling walking into the room.

"Hey, Abs." Aaron said smiling at me.

"Hey, Aaron." I said getting out of my bed.

"Abs, Mom put some pizza in the fridge for you." Zak said handing Nick and Aaron each an 'Xbox' Controller.

"Alright, I'll be back." I said leaving the room.

"Hello sleeping beauty." Mom said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hi, Mom." I said looking in the fridge. I found the pizza box and took it out.

"Hungry Abs." She asked looking at me with a smile.

"Very." I said with a laugh.

Dave came into the kitchen wearing a pair of blue jeans and a white T-shirt. "Good evening Abby." Dave said as he walked up to mom giving her a hug.

"Hi, Dave." I said trying not to look.

"Babe, Do you know how much I love you." Dave said to my mom.

"David not in front of Abby. Plus Zak has friends over." Mom said making me gag on the inside.

"Don't worry mom I'm going up stairs to hang with the boys." I said trying to get my pizza as fast as I could. Luckily it was still warm. I grabbed my plate and ran upstairs back to my room only to find the boys playing 'Black Ops'... Of course.

"Well then Abs." Zak said staring at me.

"See a ghost or something." Nick said with a laugh.

"No, Dave and mom are sucking face down there." I said taking a bite of my pizza.

"Gross" They all said at the same time.

"I know and I was in the room with them." I said leaning over my night stand to get my phone so I could text my friend April.

She is a great friend when I want to talk about boys. I can't talk boy with Zak that is just wearied'

(Text Convo) (A= Abby, AP= April)

A: Hey!

AP: Hey Abs!

A: what up =)

AP: Not much you

A: Same

AP: What are you up too tonight

A: Chilling with Zak and his friends

AP: Hey your mom if I can come over

A: Alright I will right now

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HEY!!! sorry it took sooooooo long to wright I had to find the right place to stop. so hope you enjoy. Also sorry its so short.