Oh, Brother

Boy Gossip lol.

I run down stairs hoping I could get my mom's attention. When I made it into the living room I saw Dave laying in mom's lap watching TV while see read her novel

"Hey mom, Can April come over?" I ask. Mom looked up from her book to look at me.

"Sure. She can spend the night if she wants." Mom said with a smile.

"Thank you mom. Love you." I said as I ran back up stairs.

A: My mom said yes and you can spend the night if you want.

AP: Cool, I'll be there in 10mins.

A: 'ight

AP: K see ya.

A: See ya.

"Yes!" I yelled after sitting my phone down. That made the boys look at me.

"Why did you just yell 'Yes' Abs?" Zak asked.

"April is spending the night." I said jumping on my knees on top of my bed.

"Hey, Zak isn't April the one you like?" Aaron asked. That caused Zak to start blushing. I knew he liked her but I don't like the way she treats guys. I know, I know it should be the other way around but Zak is my brother.

"Yeah, She is." Zak said turning away from me.

"Zak, I would set you up together but I don't trust her with you... I don't want you to get hurt because of her." I said in my loving sister tone I almost never use.

"Hey, Zak I know a girl who has been looking at all three of us for awhile. She's cute and she's nice." Nick said putting his controller down.

"Is that Becky or someone else?" I ask.

"Yeah it is? She is always asking me to find her someone for her because I wont go out with her." Nick said.

"Aww, Nick has a crush on someone." Zak said in an almost baby voice the he uses with our baby cousin.

"Aww, Tell us Nick." Aaron said getting closer to Nick. By this point I had kind of stopped listening. People say only girls gossip. Umm... Wrong boys do it too.

"I'm not going to tell you." Nick said.

"Oh, come on it can't be that bad." Zak said turning off the Xbox an the TV.

"No, I know it's not that bad but I don't need you two setting me up with her. I think it will happen if/and when it happens." Nick said handing Zak the controller.

"Fine, we'll leave you alone... Aaron what about you?" Zak said putting everything away.

"This girl who doesn't go to our school." Aaron said.

"Ahh, And you Abs?" Zak asked sitting at the end of my bed staring at me..

"Umm...No, not going to happen." I said picking up my phone.

"Really Abs?" Zak said.

"Really Zak." I said.

"At least whisper it into my ear." Zak said pointing to his ear.

"Fine, But promise not to tell anyone. Not even thing 1 and thing 2." I said pointing to Nick and Aaron.

"Hey." They both said at the same time.

"I promise." Zak said

"Ok." I said. I went over to him and whispered into his ear. "I like..." what I told him put him in shock.

"No way. Of all people why him?" Zak said. I know he was going to say that.

"I have no idea. I just get this feeling every time he SMILES at me." I said walking out of the room. April will be here any time now.
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hey guys sorry about the mix up I wasn't paying attention to it. So I am sooooooo sorry.

in the next chapter we'll find out who is Abby's crush. I gave a hint in the story tell me if you know =)