Worth Telling


After meticulously combing through my life story, I’ve decided that the only part of it worth telling is the part with Foster McGinnis.

The funny thing about Foster was that he popped up out of the blue. With his stupid backwards baseball cap and the toothpicks he was always chewing on. Well actually, now that I think about it, it wasn’t completely out of the blue. Foster was my across the street neighbor, had been for eight years. But I’d never talked to him and my sisters had never talked to him and my parents had never talked to his parents.

I don’t think that anyone on our street ever talked to my family. We were known around the neighborhood as being…’rowdy.’ We yelled and screamed and stomped and slammed and The Baby occasionally punched holes in the walls. We had barking dogs and meowing cats that roamed the street and a lawn that we never could seem to keep cut.

But one day in early August, when the sun was at its highest and the bugs were all out, and I was just back to from the pool, standing in a polka dot swimsuit, up to my knees in grass, Foster approached.