Status: On-Going

Lady of Nyv

The Revelation

Dom awoke groggily just as the sun was peaking over the horizon. He sat up, rubbing his eyes. As the memories of the previous day bombarded his mind, he quickly turned to the body of his sister, who seemed to still be in a comatose state. His eyes scanned over her body from head to toe, checking for any sort of change to her stature. He saw none.

Out of the corner of his eye, Dom saw another dark shape near Ona’s feet. He carefully rose to his knees and then stood, surveying the dim landscape before him.

As he approached the shape at his sister’s feet, he checked for any sort of movement. It was very likely that another one of Ona’s men had fallen asleep at her feet. There didn’t seem to be any form of movement, which worried Dom greatly. He gently pressed his foot to the man’s back, then his shoulder, then his neck. No movement.

Panicked, Dom flipped the man onto his back, searching for a pulse. As soon as Dom saw the man’s face, however, he knew that searching for a pulse would be futile. One of the man’s eyes was open, the other was completely gone; an arrow lay in its place. His mouth was ajar, as if he had been just about to say something. His face was caked with a mixture of blood and drool. Chunks of mucus from the man’s eye lay on his cheeks and the grass nearest his head. The world spun around Dom and he felt as though he may be sick.

Seconds droned on, feeling as if each moment had lasted an eternity. Dom retched onto the ground near the dead man’s feet. When he was finished, he stood, shaking. He wiped the sweat from his brow and surveyed the situation.

When Dom’s head stopped spinning, he was able to properly assess the situation. He realized that the murder weapon was an arrow. He studied the shaft of the arrow, and realized that it was very similar to the arrow which had been protruding from Ona’s thigh.

Dom reached over to the man’s body and grabbed a hold of the shaft of the arrow. He placed his other hand gently on the man’s forehead and tugged on the shaft. It was stuck in the man’s skull and Dom struggled to pull it out. He wiggled the shaft back and forth a few times, and then slid the arrow out.

As he held the arrow in his head, it was very clear to Dom that this arrow had the same markings as the one that had been found in Ona. Dom gritted his teeth and spun around to search the cluster of men that slept nearest the fire.

It took Dom a fraction of a second to find Kol amongst the sleeping men. Dom ripped his dagger from his belt and threw himself on top of Kol. He pinned his shoulders to the ground with his knees and pressed the dagger to his neck before Kol could register what was happening.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Kol screamed, eyes wild.

“You’re really racking up the body count, aren’t you?” Dom barked back.

“First my sister, then one of her men. Who knows how many before them.” He continued.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, you psychopathic fuck.”

“Really? You have no idea?” Dom questioned, pressing the dagger into Kol’s neck.

“What the fuck is going on over here?” Qua hollered to the quarrelling men.

“Why don’t you ask the murderer?” Dom stated, glaring at Kol.

“I have no fucking idea what you’re talking about.” Kol insisted.

“I found this in a man’s skull.” Dom screamed, holding up the arrow. Tears slipped down his cheeks.

Kol’s eyes lit up with the realization of what he had done.

“I swear on the rulers of the Kingdoms that it wasn’t like that.” Kol screamed.

“What the fuck are you two screaming about?” Qua asked for a second time.

The other men were awake now, some rubbing their eyes; others staring, very perplexed. They all looked from Kol, to Dom, and finally, to Qua. They expected an explanation, even Dom could see that.

“Dom, explain.” Qua ordered solemnly.

“There is a dead body by Ona’s feet. I found this arrow in his skull. It’s the same type of arrow that we found in my sister’s body. This proves everything.”

“What do you mean it proves everything?”

“Kol is a murderer. We must punish him as such.”

“Punish him?”

“Yes. Northern law states that one who takes lives must be executed. Tis the way. The only way.”