Status: I wrote this story to inspire others


"Grandma can you read me a story?"" Of Course Grandson. What will it be Jack and the bean stock like always?' boy replies "Not tonight grandma i wanna here a story about a hero." Ok I'll tell you a story about a hero who lived twenty years ago." That was a long time ago grandma" indeed it was, way before you were even thought of now let grandma tell the story. It was a cold day out side and Sam was walking home from school." Grandma who is Sam?"" Well you gotta let me tell the story to know who he is silly as I was saying, " the grandma told her grandson as she continued the story. "Sam was walking home from school on a cold day. It look as if it was gonna snow out side. Sam loved the snow. " I'm home" Sam yelled as he walked in the back door of his house. and no one replied. Well Sam got hungry and cooked some soup and went up stairs to use the restroom and then went in his room to take a nap. Sam's parents were still at work. Sam had forgotten that he was cooking and before you know it the hole kitchen was on fire and the fire spread fast." Grandma is Sam going to be ok? the little boy asked him grandma. " well im about to tell you right now." the grandma replied to her grandson. Well Sam was stuck up stairs and the one way out was to jump over the fire that was blocking the bottom of the stairs. So Sam jumped over the fire and got burned really bad. Sam crawled on the floor and made his way to the back door which was also blocked. Sam found the fire extinguisher on the floor next to the refrigerator, So Sam was able to put out the fire that was blocking his way out the house. Well Sam was lying on the ground out side the back door where he got out. His dad got home and ran in the house to save his son. No one knew Sam was in the back yard lieing on the ground with a 3erd degree burn on his legs. His farther looked everywhere for his son some how he even made it up stairs well as Sam's farther was looking up stairs the fire got bigger and the entire house blew up, Killing Sam's Farther Jacob. The fire fighters herd a screaming noise coming from the back yard and so the fire men ran to the back to see what it was and they found Sam with his legs burned and half his body on fire, of course they put out the fire on boy and rushed him to the hospital. "Grandma don't tell me Sam dies to as the boy cry's. " It is ok let me finish ok" she replied to her grandson as she held him in her arms. Sam was rushed to the hospital. Sam's Mother June got to the hospital as soon as she herd the news, She saw her son lying there in the hospital bed all burned up. The doctor said your gonna have to wait out side so the mother waited all night in the waiting room while her son was going through surgery. After 12 hours of waiting in the waiting room the doctor came out and told her" Are you Sam's Mother June?" " Yes she replied." Well the news is not good i'm sorry to Say we could not save your son." She told the doctor "I have to call my husband" " no one told her" the doc said."told me what" June replied" Your husband died in the house fire. i'm sorry i thought you knew" as she got the news she went to see her son one last time. The doctor let her see him by herself. as she kissed her Son's and said a prayer for Sam she walked away and Sam woke up. The doctors said it was a miracle. Sam stayed over night at the hospital to make sure he was going to be ok. Sam got to go back home with his mom. A year has past since his dad died. June his mother got into drugs and lost her job as a cop. Sam was going to school everyday with bruises on his body. When the principal would ask Sam how the bruises got on him Sam would say "My friends beat me up" but the principal new Sam was lying. Well one day Sam got a call from his principal. There was two cops and his principal in the office waiting for Sam. Sam knew something was wrong. The principal asked Sam again where he got the bruises from. Sam still said his friends. The principal told Sam he found a letter and wanted to read it to Sam. " Sam the officers found this letter at your house and they want me to read it to you ok. The letter read... Dear my son Sam. I am sorry son for blaming you for something that was not your fault. I hit you out of fear and I was wrong. Your farther did not die because of you. I hope you know that. I am sorry Son but I can no longer be around. Take care of yourself and always love others. Sam looked at his principal and said " I don't understand.""We know your mother abused you and we also know that well Sam your mom passed away this morning. One of her friends called the police to go check on her and the police found your mom dead with pills in one hand and this note in the other. Im Sorry Sam". The principal told Sam. So Sam went to a new home with a new mommy and daddy. Sam went to a new school and everyone made fun of him about his parents death. People called him the parent killer! Sam never talked to no one so he would never listen to what people had to say. Well Sam finished high school and went on to live on his own. Sam is now 18 years old and he became a cop like his mom was. Well Sam was driving home one day and Saw a house on fire so Sam ran inside the burning house and saved a little boys life. After Sam had Saved the boys life Sam went back into the house to see if there was anyone else in the house and like his farther Sam died in the fire. The little boy cryed and said that man saved my life and became my Hero. The little boys family got out alive. Sam was remember as the towns hero for saving that boys life. The little boy grew up to tell the story." Grandson and guess what you know who that little boy is now: grandma asked her grandson. "who Grandma? the boy replied. " It is your dad.