Dying Perfection


I stood there, frozen in my tracks, unable to move, speak or even think. I stared at their touching lips. Kalyan was on top of Eric, his hands holding onto her hips. Her black hair flowed down and hid her face. Eric’s eyes were closed but there was joy written all over his face.
“What the hell?!” Ajax yelled. Kalyan jumped up and sat on the couch. Eric just put his head up and stared. Kalyan opened her mouth to talk. “What the hell is your problem?!” Ajax cut Kalyan off. “We give you shelter and food, and you go running off with someone else!”
“It’s not…” Eric said.
“Get the hell out of my house! Go fuck each other somewhere else!” Ajax pointed at the door.
“Please,” Kalyan said.
“Get! The! Fuck! Out!” Ajax was yelling. Eric stood out and walked out with surprise on his face. Kalyan followed, she had tears in her eyes.
“Please,” She whispered. I just stood there, gaping. Ajax slammed the door behind them. I continued to stand there, my mouth wide open.
How could Eric do that? He loved me, I loved him. How could Kalyan run off with the boy I loved?

Kalyan was hugging me as I sobbed. “But you have.” Eric whispered to his dying mother. “You have met her, she’s here, right now.” He turned and looked at me. Eric’s mom strained her neck and smiled.
“She’s beautiful.” She managed to say.

He wasn’t looking at me, it was Kalyan. He had loved Kalyan all along, he had never loved me.
I fell on my knees and began to cry. Ajax came up to me and I let him hug me. At least there’s Ajax. He’ll always be there for me, even if all my other friends betray me.
“I still love you.” Ajax whispered in my ear. I wanted that to be Eric’s voice, but it wasn’t, Eric doesn’t love me. I didn’t want to face the truth, but it was evident, Eric just used me to get to Kalyan.
I continued to cry, but started to cry not just for myself but for Sam, Leilani and for Makaio. Eric had never seen Sam as a friend, yet for Sam he felt Eric as a brother. Sam liked Eric so much, but he was just another tool to get to Kalyan.
Leilani, you were a flower, but became a weed. Because of MCMs nobody can appreciate your true beauty. It’s not your fault, it’s the world, they decided they were better than you.
Makaio, I thank you for your bravery. Sam is as important as Ajax to me. He would be in the hospital with worse conditions if not for you. I might have to be alone with only Ajax if I had not met you and you had not saved Sam.
Ajax, I should have listened to you. You were right, Kalyan and Eric should have not been trusted. If only I had investigated when we were at the movie theater, maybe then I wouldn’t be so sad as I am now. Love truly is blind. I have loved you for fourteen years and Eric for only a month. Why did I see my love for him more important than my love for you?
Ajax, thanks for standing up for me. If you had not kicked Eric and Kalyan out of the house they would have sweet talked me and I wouldn’t be able to see their true side.
Ajax, Sam, Leilani and Makaio, thanks for everything. Thanks for being there for me, I need you guys, without you I’d be nothing.