If I Were to Die

She Didn't Know.

"Thanks for the ride, man. I totally owe you when my car gets fixed," a young man spoke to his friend as they sat dormant in the truck.

"No problem, Evan. Tell your sister I said hi, all right? She seems off, and I'm kinda worried, y'know?" the blonde-haired boy responded.

"I know it," Evan sighed, looking to his hands, "I don't know what to do, Jared. She hasn't been eating as much, and she's not running every morning like she used to," Jared nodded with empathy, "I used to hate how her alarm would wake me up so early...but now I wish it would. She looks like she's dying, dude." As he spoke, Jared could tell he was fighting back tough emotions.

"I'm sorry, Ev...but she'll be okay." he spoke confidently, but inside, he didn't believe himself.

"I hope so, man, I really hope so," Evan murmured, "Well, again, thanks for the lift. I'll see you later." he got out and headed to the door as the engine of the rusty car fired up.

Unlocking the large, white door, Evan stepped into his home, immediately sensing uneasiness, "Hey, Eleanor, I'm home! I brought you some Snicker's like you asked!" he called up the steps whilst wiping his shoes on the dingy carpet, "Eleanor?" he shouted again when he did not receive a reply.

After waiting a moment for her to answer, which she did not, he ascended the steps quickly. He went straight to her bedroom, to find the door wide open, with her not inside. "Ellie, where are you?" he began to panic. He'd seen her car, so she had to be home, but where? He decided to go on a whim and check his room, but she wasn't there either. Then, in passing, he saw the bathroom door slightly open. His feet came to a halt in front of it. A shaking hand raised to knock on the wood, creating an eerie echo throughout the small house, "Eleanor, are you in there?" he tried to speak loudly, but his words came out in a hush, afraid for his sister. He knew something was terribly wrong; he could feel it like a knife in his stomach.

More worried about Eleanor's safety than walking in on her changing or otherwise indecent, Evan pushed the door open.

The sight he faced crippled him and he fell to his knees. "Ellie...?" from where he was, all he could see of his sister was her pale, bony feet protruding from the water. He let out a wail, crawling over to the side of the bathtub.

Evan was not one to cry, but he found himself sobbing uncontrollably as he gazed into the water to Eleanor, her beautiful face clear underneath the still water. Helplessly, he pulled her out. He leaned in close to her blued lips, eager to hear any sign of life, though he already knew there was no possibility.

Once total realization hit, he started to cry out her name, rocking his deceased sibling in his arms after lifting the dead weight out of her porcelain killer. He did not pay attention to his soaked clothes as he called out for something, someone to fix what had been done.

"Evan! Evan! Are you okay?!" Jared's voice hollered; Evan didn't bother to respond.

Jared had not left, as he also felt unsure about the discontent air around his best friend's house.

He bounded the steps, two at a time, and followed Evans disturbing howls into the bathroom, the door wide open, displaying the entire scene to him.

"Oh my god," Jared whispered, then quickly pulled out his phone to dial 911, placing a call and trying to speak audibly through choked-back tears to the operator.

As soon as he'd flipped his cell shut he ran to the two people, puddled on the tiled floor. Out of natural instinct, he skidded to his knees and wrapped Evan and Eleanor in his arms.

"She'd dead, Jared! She's dead!" his friend screamed, leaning into him lamely.

Jared could not stop himself from crying, too. He had a secret about Eleanor that he'd not even shared to Evan. He'd been in-love with her since the fifth-grade, when she was in the seventh. It completely tore him in half to find her, his only love for the previous five years in so much distress and pain over the last few months, so this was heart-shattering, looking at her pale blue face, dead with no chance of revival. He didn't even notice how the water had made her white dress translucent or that her skirt was hiked up, all that was on his mind was his lost love. He felt something in him die, and he could only imagine the pain Evan was experiencing.

Whilst the two, broken boys waited for paramedics to arrive, they both were haunted by the thought that she didn't know how much they loved her.