

I grabbed my books and ducked into pre- algebra.
I pulled down my sleeves, to make sure to one could see the scars.
The scars that would be there forever, as a constant reminder of what I've done, and what was done to me.
No matter how hard I'd tried, I will never be the same again. I've changed.
I'm different now.
I don't talk to many people anymore. The less people I get close to, the better. I have nightmares all the time of what happened. Of what he did.
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop being afraid of him of what could happen...
Everyone thought he was gone but I knew the truth. And it was because of my fear of him that only I knew it.
Everyone has has fears, because no matter how hard we try- its impossible to be fearless.
♠ ♠ ♠
SO SORRY this was so short, but its just the into! Hope u like it