Status: Enjoy! And some feed back would help very much!! :D

The Sweeper and the Ball.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3
The doors to the old theater creaked with our entrance. Clouds of dust emerged from every step we took, while cobwebs lined the wall. Finding the stairs, we made our way up to the balcony level.
The entire theater had been gutted. Not a single seat remained throughout the whole thing. With the little light coming from the door, we scanned the scenery anyways, looking down at the darkness that laid below the balcony. The little we could see of the stage was full of broken boards and tore curtains all over. And even less from the empty floors below.
“So...” I turned slowly to face Dani. “What else did you wanna talk about?”
Dani's eyes began to wander, fishing for the right phrase to say, “Well, I want you to go to the ball and hang out! It will be fun! And as for your date problem, why not take Kristi?”
I flinched at that suggestion. “I don't think so...”
“Why not?! Kristi is a great person! She's sweet, funny, caring-”
“Not to mention clumsy, loud, and a little on the slow side with jokes. Look, I appreciate what you're trying to do. And I'll agree, Kristi is a great person and friend, but she's not my type.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean she's not the kinda girl I'm looking for. My kind of girl has to be sweet, gentle, caring, someone who can have fun, and not complain cause it's not going her way. Someone who goes with the flow of things, who is classy and innocent, but can cut lose and have some fun. A quiet spirit, but not afraid to get noisy when the time is right. Ya know?”
“Well, where do you expect to find someone like that?!”
“I don't know...” I turned, letting out a quiet sigh as I leaned onto the rails of the balcony. “This is why I don't like dances. Everyone makes a big deal about having a date, and I'm the kinda guy that rather do work alone then be forced to hunt for a date that may not be right for me. Why bother?”
“Because it'll be fun! Alexander, you got to give it a try, what's there to lose?”
“Time. Patience. My self-esteem.” Turning to face Dani, I leaned back on the rail suddenly wondering what I had over looked in all this. “Who's your date to the Ball?”
Dani's eyes grew wide from the surprise. It seemed she hadn't expected this question. “Well... You see...” Her cheeks started to develop a shade of scarlet as she stuttered. “I wasn't really gonna go with a date, but when I went to the bakery the other day, the owner's grandson asked me. And I couldn't say no... It would have broken his heart!” Dani's bowed her head down as she finished. I could tell she was very embarrassed with the tip of her nose still glowing red.
“So what you mean to tell me...” I began as I tried to hold back laughter, “Is you're taking the old man's grandson, Albert?”
Dani merely nodded as I busted out laughing. To which I swiftly got a kick to the gut. “It's not funny! I'm seriously scared and nervous!”
“Relax.” I wheezed as I regained my breath. “If anything goes wrong, the rest of the gang is gonna be there.”
“What about you?” But before I could answer, a loud grunt came from below us, as the image of Lada came into view.
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