Status: Hiatus

Let Me Be the One


I buried my face in Franks chest as his arms wrapped around me. Today was the day that he was leaving and I was honestly so scared. All of the MCR girls were at the airport with me and all of them looked ready to shed a few tears. I think Lyn-Z and I were feeling the worst since out of all of us, we had the most to lose.

Taking care of a baby by herself would be hard and I know Gerard looked heartbroken that he would have to leave his little girl so soon after she was born. As for me, there was a chance that Frank wouldn't even be there for the birth of our child.

See how much this is going to suck?

Frank took my face in his hands and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "Listen, Vee. I love you, I love you, I love you so much and I promise to call you every night. We can Skype and if we get so much as a day off of tour, I will be here in a second."

I nodded and blinked away the tears. "I know...It's just-"


Should I tell him? Should I tell him about how terrified I would be that someone was going to break in again?

"...nothing. I'm just going to miss you."

I couldn't tell him. I couldn't ruin that for him, especially after I've come into his life so suddenly and ruined so much for him. That wasn't fair to Frank or the rest of My Chemical Romance.

"I'm going to miss you too, babe." Frank said, planting a kiss on my forehead.

'Flight 43 for Toronto will be boarding shortly.' A lady's voice rang over the intercom. That was Franks flight...

"I have to go now Vee. Just remember that I'm here whenever you need me." I nodded at Frank's words and pulled him in for one more tight squeeze before finally letting him go. It's funny how a few months ago, I was telling him that I would never love him and now look where we are.

I was so madly in love with this boy that it hurt to see him walk away.

I watched with the other girls as My Chemical Romance handed their boarding passes to the flight attendants before disappearing around the corner. Bandit, who was in Lyn-Z's arms, was sobbing her little heart out and her mother was trying desperately to quiet her.

Four months... That was a long time to be away from your pregnant girlfriend.

"Don't worry, Vee." Lyn-Z said, coming up beside me as she held her sniffling daughter. "I know the first time is awful, and every time after, but you learn to cope. Just form a routine and before you know it, the tour will be over."

I seriously hope so.


Fire. Smoke. Death.

I backed away into the wall, trying to separate myself from the man with the eyes as black as night and clothes smelling of gasoline. "Please don't... I have a family!" I sobbed as he closed the distance. He grabbed my by my shoulders and lifted me off the ground, slamming my back into the wall.

"There is no room in this world for cowards." The man growled before dropping my to the ground. He held me to the floor with one hand and with the other, grabbed a clump of my hair. Peeling my head off the ground, he slammed it back into the tiled floor with a sickening crack as I sobbed.

Blood pooled around me as he continued to smash my head into the ground. I thought I was dead, I honestly did. My head fell to the side and in my final moments, I could barely make out three chilling words.

"One last coward..."

I shot out of bed with a scream, tears flowing down my face and my entire body shaking like a leaf. Sweat dripped off my face like a waterfall, mixing in with the tears on the way down. This had been happening to me since the day Frank left, give or take a few minor details.

It happened nearly every night. It was either with the man choking me out on the street corner where we'd first 'met' or it was him slaughtering me in some form in the bathroom. Sometimes he would just lock me in the room and let me burn to death. Either way I woke up screaming and crying.

I looked at the clock by my - no, our - bed. It read 3:45. So it would be about 9:45 for Frank who was in Paris. Wiping away my tears and clearing my throat so it wasn't obvious that I had just been crying, I dialled his number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello?" he grumbled on the other line. It was obvious that he had just woken up and I felt immediately felt bad.

"Um, Hey Frank. It's Vee?"

"Vee!" Frank's voice immediately brighten and I smiled. He's always been able to do that to me. "Sorry, I just woke up! What's up, babe?"

"I just wanted to say good morning." I coughed to hide the strain in my voice. I didn't want to make a habit of lying but I didn't want to worry Frank.

"Morning for us usually starts at like eleven but it's always nice to get a morning wakeup from my wifey." Frank chuckled and I managed a laugh. I could hear Gerard in the background, grumbling.

"Wifey? You're married?" He sounded exhausted, probably from the late night performing. I felt guilt wash over me like a wave. They must be dead right now! I should have called later.

"No, it's just Vera." Frank answered back but I couldn't hear a reply from Gerard. "So what are you doing up so early anyway? It's not like you're working or anything."

"It's not that early, babe. It's almost 10:00." I crossed my fingers, hoping that he wouldn't put together the time difference between France and America. "Just getting an early start on the day. I should let you get back to sleep though..."

"I guess you're right. And you don't haaaaaahhhhooo" That was a yawn by the way, but I'm guessing he was trying to say 'have to.'

"Yeah, go back to sleep, I can call you later." I laughed but on the inside, I desperately didn't want to put down the phone. I know that I could have very well just said that I needed to talk to him and Frank would have stayed on the line for hours. But also knew that right now wasn't the time to be selfish.

Frank was touring, sleeping whenever he could and worrying about a pregnant girlfriend at home while trying to balance the band and staying healthy for both of us. I shouldn't add more onto his plate.

"Okay, I love you Vee...." Before I could answer, I could already tell he had drifted off so I simply hung up.

Once Frank's voice was gone, the fear crept back in. The shadows made shapes on the walls and the floors creaked like footsteps were coming up the steps. I knew no one was in the house since I checked the entire house before I went to bed and chained every door shut but I couldn't stop the fear.

"When did you become such a little bitch, Vera?" I asked myself as I slumped back in bed and shut my eyes. I quickly drifted off to sleep.

Fire. Smoke. Death.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Can I just say that I am not one who writes long stories and I'm usually done by 25 chapters so this is going to end up being my longest story ever. I don't ONLY write on Mibba but on FFN, the most chapters I got to was 25