

I don’t know why I’m sad.

I couldn’t tell you, to be honest. I’m just really fucking sad, all the fucking time. I wish I wasn’t. I realize though, there is nothing to smile about. I cry all the time. I’m selfish. I don’t deserve anything at all. Maybe I should just kill myself. Fall off the face of the earth, who would care? No one would care. I’m a piece of shit. Worthless. Made for nothing.

I’m alone all the time. I barely have any friends. The friends I do have are complete twats, and I’d just rather not associate myself with them. I tried, believe me I fucking tried. I tried to be like everyone else. I tried to be accepted. It’s not working. Nothing is working, I’m not fucking working. Why can’t I feel anything, anything but hatred? Is that all that is in my body? Hating people?

I hate my mum. I hate my dad. I hate my body. I hate how I look. I fucking hate everything. Everyone fucking sucks.

I fucking suck.