
Chapter 4

Sarah lay over a dead body in the street, sobbing loudly. James and Katie hopped out of the car and ran to the group. Chris grabbed Katie and pulled her in, whispering the story into her ear. James grabbed Adele, unable to pull her focus, and shook her shoulders.

"What the hell happened?"

Adele looked at him helplessly, then down at Sarah, then back up at James.

"A-a-a gang. I, I think. I'm not sure. Maybe that's what it was, just, I, like.. They got Abbie. She, she like, ran out of the house. They broke in the back and stole some supplies. Abbie, she thought she could take her. It was just a girl. Not even older than her. She shot Abbie dead. It just-"

"Someone has to get Sarah out of here, she's going to attract zombies."

Chris bent down and tried to pull Sarah up. Sarah hit him, loudly protested with a blood curdling scream, and pressed her face back into Abbie's torso.

Katie felt her throat swell.

"Sarah, c'mon. You- you gotta let her go."

"I-I-I can't. She-she-she was my, the last of.. She's- she's not, we can't l-l-leave her out here.", Sarah tried to get out through her sobs.


Katie knelt down next to Sarah, and pulled the nail polishes out of her bag.

"I got these, for her."

Sarah looked up, took the nail polishes from Katie's hand and opened one of the bottles. She took her sister's hand, and put a thin coat of the green on Abbie's pinky finger. Sarah threw the bottle and it smashed open on the sidewalk. The green spilled out, and mixed with Abbie's blood on the pavement. Sarah leaned on Katie's shoulder and started sobbing harder. Katie motioned at James and Chris to help stand her up. The three of them helped Sarah up, trying to keep her eyes away from her sister's body. They walked her back into the house, and sat her down in the living room.


"Sarah, you want to eat?", Adele whispered, holding a can of black beans out to Sarah.

Sarah just stared blankly ahead. Adele placed the can down on the floor next to the couch.

Adele walked out of the room to the group standing in the kitchen.

"Any luck?", Chris said, his mouthful of food.

Adele shrugged, "None."

"Is she even talking?"

"No. She's just staring blankly at the wall. I don't even know if she's alive."

Katie put down her can and held up her hand, "If I might add, she did just lose her sister. Some people don't eat, move, sleep, whatever, for like days."

James sighed, "Well, that can't work. I don't know what she's thinking-"

"That she's alone."

"-I mean, that won't work. We have to move now. We've been looted. She'll have to deal with it. Or something. I don't know. We have to leave soon. Like tomorrow soon."

The group grew silent.

Eventually, Chris spoke up, "Where are we going? Where are we supposed to go? There's no where. James, of all of us, you go outside most. You KNOW there is nothing for us. There won't be. We are fucked. We are dead men walking. It's fucking over."

James grabbed Chris' arms and held them against his side.

"Calm. Down. This is not fucking over. We will be fine. We will deal."

Chris burst into tears. Adele started out of the room,

"We shouldn't leave Sarah alone.. Statistics show... Just, James, come with me."

James walked out with Adele, leaving Katie alone with Chris. She wrapped her arms around him, and squeezing him.

"It'll be okay", she reassured him, rubbing his back, "I promise."

"You don't understand it, Katie. There is no place to go. You know just as well as I do that we either stay here and die, or leave and die."

"We're just going to die no matter what."

"We're fucked."

"We will be okay, Chris. We've made it so long, we've come pretty far. We'll be okay."

Chris pushed Katie off of him.

"You just really don't understand it, do you?"

He walked out of the room, and Katie was alone again. She looked around at the kitchen. She thought to herself, that she could leave. Just grab a few cans of food and her bag, maybe a knife, and just leave. She made it all by herself, she shouldn't just wait around. Chris was right, and she knew it. But, then she'd be faced with the same problem she had tried escaping for months.

She'd be alone.