Status: **I originally posted this on

A New Team


It had been five days since I was at Nicky’s and I saw Alex. I had gone out with him twice since then. Nicky had game one against the Penguins tomorrow night. He was leaving later today. He invited me over to hang out before he had to leave for the next two days. He was packing his bag and putting on his suit while I sat on his neatly made bed and talked to him.

I felt better about what happened with Alex after seeing Nicky a few times. He was obviously still oblivious to what happened between me and Alex, and to what happened between me and Sidney. I wish this would go away I still had Alex’s phone number and I had texted him last night to try to clear the air. He never answered me.

“Hey.” said Nicky. Snapping me out of serious thinking. I looked up at him. He sat next to me. “I have something important to ask you.” I looked back up at him. My heart beat a little faster. He could honestly be asking me anything. I nodded.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked. I smiled up at him.

“Yes. Of course!” I answered. He smiled and hugged me. I laughed and looked at the clock. “Shoot. Nick. I would love for you and I to stay here but if you do you’ll miss your plane!” He laughed.

“That would suck.” He said. He zipped up his bag as I grabbed my stuff. We walked out of the house as he locked the door. He gave me a quick kiss as we both went to our cars.

​ “Good luck!” I called as he got into his car. He smiled back at me as we both pulled away.