Status: finished holla

Agent Ashby


It was now officially one day before classes started and Alan didn't want it to begin. Starting school meant less sleep and more stress, two of the worst things that he hated. The only bright side was that his little group decided to make a cookout. They had asked Vic for permission to use the their schools grill and go outside near the field. Vic, being the responsible RA that he is, planned to say no. He knew there would be a lot of consequences, in their handbook, it clearly states that doing stuff like this could cause him his spot. Being an RA helped him pay off his college debt, he couldn't lose it now, especially since this was his last year of college. Of course though, Kellin had convinced him otherwise. Currently, Alan, Vic, Kellin, Tino, Phil, and Aaron were setting up the little spot on the field that had most shade.

Once Tino and Phil grilled everything, they all sat down and ate. It wasn't long before three guys showed up. They had in fact scared them all, thinking it was either the principal or another RA. It was Vic's younger brother and two of his best friends. Jaime, who had hair that resembled a porcupine, Tony, the shy one who had his ears stretched, and Mike. Mike was a skinny guy who had many tattoos. Vic introduced them to Alan. The trio didn't go to Clairemont college, they went to Suburbia college, located across from this school.

"Do you guys know where Austin is?" Alan decides to ask, it seemed like no one knew what to talk about so he figured, why not.

Aaron snickers, "Why? Do you miss him? Is it because you liiiike him?" he teases, knowing it would annoy his roommate.

"I have told you a million times. I-" he says, pointing to himself. "-do not like him!"

"Like who?" A voice says, making the ginger jump. He knew who that voice belonged to. Austin took another step closer to the group. "Sorry I'm late..had uh.. a few things to do."

"Where's Jerry?" Aaron asks him and Austin ignores the question. An awkward silence fell between everyone.

"I'll get out a plate for you." Tino stands up, taking his best friend with him over to the grill.

"He did it again." Jaime shakes his head, "I knew it and I don't even go to this damn school."

Alan, having a confused look on his face, scratches his head. "I'm lost?"

Phil sighs, "Either Jerry left him again, or he went to the club-" Getting cut off, Kellin finishes his sentence for him. "-to go fuck bitches...again."

"You would think that Austin already learned how Jerry Douche is but nope." The pale one continues, shifting a little in his seat. "I dont understand why he puts up with his shit."

Vic looks at his boyfriend, "Because he loves him."

Now Alan understood what was going on. Jerry..oh that little bastard. He completely agreed with Kellin. Why be with someone that dumps you every so often? If Austin was dating him, things would be completely different. Not..not that he wanted to be his boyfriend because no. He is straight. He loves girls..right?


The group decided to play some football, splitting up into teams, though Alan and Austin decided to not join. Originally, Mike was sitting next to the ginger but since he went off to play, that made Austin sit next to him. Cursing his bad luck, Alan does not look at him. He got ditched, this was karma.

"Please talk to me.." Austin begs, trying to get his attention. When his new best friend didn't reply, he tried again. "Come on, please? I know we didn't hang out for the 90's day thing..I'll make it up! Promise."

Alan actually considered this now, he knew that Austin kept his promises. Plus..he couldn't stay mad for him. Curse him. "Y-yeah? Okay, you better!" he replies, looking up at him.

Austin has a big smile on his face, "I will."

"I can't believe classes start tomorrow."

"Whats your major?"

His major? Alan makes a face but quickly replaces it with a small smile. " Don't make fun of me! I want to be an assistant nurse?"

"Really?" His eyes lit up. "So do I."

Alan doesn't know why but his face gets hot. "But I don't want to be one..I was kinda forced, now that I think about it. If I had to choose, I'd be a musician. Or something with music." When the other didn't reply, the twenty two year old sighs, "Its stupid, I know."

"No no!" Austin says, "You should do what you want though. Hey, maybe we'll have bio together!"

But we do..and every other class... Alan thinks, reminding to kill Justin later.

The two of them were enjoying their silence when the agent's watch beeps. Excusing himself, he gets up. "I have to pee."

"I'll go with you, I have to piss anyway." Austin replies, about to get up.

"No! I uh..I mean.. no..I..bye!" Alan manages to get away before his mission asks him any questions.


Making his way inside the bathroom, he locks the door, just to make sure Austin didn't follow him. Alan proceeds into entering a stall. He looks down at his watch. 3 missed 'calls.' One from Shay, Justin and Andy. Andy, or Andy Glass, was Trotta's number one spy. It made him curious on why he had clock'd him.

Alan presses a button, calling his boss. A few seconds later his little screen shows the three of them in Justin's office. "Hey Alan!" Shay waves.

"Alan." Andy smirks at him, apparently, the guy only ever knew how to smirk. Never has Alan seen him smile.

"Whats up?"

"We're playing pooll!" Shayley tells his best friend. "But, they suck!"

Ignoring Shay's rude comment about them, Justin asks him, "How's the mission?"

"Oh.. its fine." Lie.

"Let me guess, you havent been with him."

"And I have a reasonable explanation.. Okay not really.. He's been with his boyfriend so I haven't--"

"What?" Justin slams his hands on his desk, incredibly mad. "I told you to keep an eye on him! Especially since its your mission. I dont care if you end up being a third wheel on their date. Do it. Or you know what happens next."

Alan nods, not bothering to argue back. "Will do Trotta. Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

"Yes actually! Are you alone?"

"One sec." He replies, getting out of the stall and quickly checks the others, he had a feeling someone was here. After he finishes, he shrugs his shoulders. "Yeah..all clear."

"Listen Ashby. The reason why I clock'd you. The person who's after Austin..yeah well..he's in your school."

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CLIFF HANGER WOO. ~ c: dont hate me ok ily :* i will probably update in a few days.