I Drank Your Milkshake


He said yes. I would have jumped to the ceiling if we weren't in public.

"Thank you." I said simply, tears rolling down my cheeks. "Thank you so, so much." He could never know how thankful I was. I felt like jumping into his arms and hugging him.

"You don't need to say thank you," Andrew replied. "I'm a human. Humans do this kind of stuff." I couldn't help but laugh. I took a sip of my coffee.

"So.. what happens now?" I enquired. "I know you should be the one asking me.. but I really didn't plan this out well."

"I think.. you should come to our hotel and then our only choice is have you on the tour bus. Then get your dad into a mental hospital. Then you can carry on with your life." Andrew said. I smiled, this was working out just like I thought.

"Good. I can't thank you enough. I want to do something useful while on tour though, I don't just want to be a vegetable, ya know?" I said.

"I know," laughed Andrew. "You know what they haven't organised yet? Tour posters. You could work on those!"

"Yeah!" I said enthusiastically. "Yeah! I keep my sketchbooks with me all the time. You want to see?"


So he sat there flicking through my art while I sat, sipped my coffee and thought about how lucky I was. I realised that I was no longer Teagan Weaber, daughter of nutjob Seth Weaber, I was Teagan Dost, proud sister of Andrew Dost