Status: I'm baaaaaack

Dear Journal, Who Will Save Me?

Your Memory Will Carry On

Violet’s POV

“You should of stayed dead. You should be in hell right now.” Chloe snickered. “Next time why don't ya use a gun instead of fucking pill, you emo fuck up!!”

“You don’t think I know know that?!?!” I took a step forward, Chloe took a step back. “I know I’m ugly, fat, stupid, worthless! I fucking know that!! You guys remind me everyday! And next time I’ll make sure I mention you guys in my suicide note! So the whole goddamn world will know that you people are the reason I killed myself!” I walked away I had it with all this bullshit! Its been a month since I attempted suicide, a month since Gerard changed. We don’t talk much anymore. He tries to, but I just ignore him. Mikey decided to become homeschooled so he wouldn't have to see Gerard hangout with his new stoner friends. They always hang out at the back of the school smoking pot, and taking cocaine. I walked past my locker, he was there....

“Heeeeyyyyyyy Violet!” Gerard slurred.

“Go away Gerard.”

“Awwh w-what's wrong sugar?”

“Just leave me alone.” I run away from him just as the last bell rings.

I storm in my room. I am so sick of life giving me all this bullshit!! One day I'm happy and on top of the world! Next thing you know I’m covered in cow shit! Ugh! I throw my bag down on the floor, tears silently, streaming down my eyes. I slam my head into a wall. Over and over again until I get a headache. Thank god no one is home. I rush out of my room, into the house office, and I open a drawer. Its the emergency gun. We have it due to us living in A crappy, crime crawling neighborhood. I take a deep breath, And slowly walk up to my room. I lock the door, and sit down. Everything starts coming back to me. All the bad memories of being beaten up, called names, loosing the people I love the most....”Take a deep breath Vi.” I say to myself. I bring the gun to my head, my finger on the trigger. “Bye Gerard, I love you. 1...2...3...”

Gerard’s POV

“She hates me.” I said to myself. “Look what's become of your a fucking alcoholic who takes has no real friends and snorts cocaine.” I was going to apologise to Violet, but when I got up to her front porch, I heard a bang. That awful, awful bang. So I kicked the door done. I rushed upstairs falling on the stairs on my way up to her room. When I got to Violet’s room, it was locked. “Violet!” I called. “Violet PLEASE open the door!” No answer. Again, I kicked the door down. What I saw, can never be forgotten. Violet, was laying on the ground......dead....She was gone, there was no way of bringing her back. A gun rested next to her, and blood was splattered everywhere. I walked slowly to her body. I kneeled down and took her into my arms. Her face had paths of tears, and her eye were still open. I closed her eyes, and cried into her bloody shoulder. I stayed that way for a while. A little while later I lifted my head. This was no longer Violet, no. I was merely Violet’s corpse and nothing more. Her soul and personality isn't there anymore. She’s...gone.... I gently put her body down and called 911. While I waited, I held her hand, clutching is a better word. I felt something., something wrinkly. In her hand was a note.

Dear Gerard,

Everyday I wrote in a journal, and ended each passage with “Dear Journal, Who Will Save Me?” I think I realized now that, I don’t wanna be saved. And I guess I always knew that, but didn’t wanna admit it. But what I do know is, I wanna save YOU. Theres still time for you Gee. You can be whatever you want. It was too late for me, I was too weak. But Gerard, you are the strongest, kindest person I have EVER met! And, I love you. So my last request is for you to be happy. Thats it.I don’t care if you're rich, or poor. I just want you to be happy. Can you do that for me? Promise me Ok? So I guess this is goodbye, for now. I’ll see you in the future. I love you. xoxoxo

Dear Gerard, Don’t give up.

I kissed her lips one last time. “I promise.” From there I just lost it. I screamed, I cried, I threw furniture around, I punched walls. I even took her blood and slathered it all over my hands. I just lost it.

******A Few Years Later****

“That is a beautiful, yet sad story Gerard.” Said the interviewer. “Violet must be very proud of you.” Thats right, she would be proud of me.

“I just wish I could say thank you to her. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be here right now. I wouldn’t be in my band “My Chemical Romance.” I wouldn’t publish my comic “The Umbrella Academy,” or work on its upcoming movie. If it weren’t for Violet, I would've never have the guts to marry my amazing wife Lindsey or have my gorgeous daughter Bandit, I love them both so much.”

“I’m sure you do. But I can’t help but ask, what ever happened to Anton??” I smiled. After the funeral, Anton went up to everyone he has ever bullied and apologise. He has a wife, and two kids now, we also remain to be close friends now.

“Thats great?”

“It really is.....”

Dear Journal, Who WIll Save me?