Status: I'm baaaaaack

Dear Journal, Who Will Save Me?

Yearbook Wishes

Violet’s POV

"No but seriously," began Mikey. It's been a few days since I ran into Anton, he hasn't bothered me since. Thank God, this is gonna sound really stupid, but it hurts everytime I look at him. Like, as if someone took a dagger, and stabbed it into my chest over, and over. Blood spilling out, then eventually, the knife plunges into my heart, and when my murderer pulls the knife out, my heart is stuck on there. Frank arrived about 2 days ago, right now we're all at the Way house, Mikey is ranting.

“I just don’t get why people think I like unicorns?" Yelled a frustrated Mikey.

"I don’t know?" I said calmly.

"don’t you hate unicorns?" Frank joined in.

"Yeah. yeah MIkey hate unicorns we get it.” an irritated Gerard. "I'm bored, who wants to go to Star Box?"

"ME!!!" We all chimed in usion. We all got up, and Frank and Mikey scrambled to the front door, Gerard and I followed suit. We all piled into Gerard's beat up Trans Am, Gee and I up front, and our relatives in the back. I turned on the radio to hear Green Day's song "Holiday" come blasting through the speakers.

"Hell yeah!" Shouted Frank. And we all sang along for the rest of the ride.


"I fucking love coffee."

"Hahaha we know Gee, you said it about 80 times!" I exaggerated.

"But its soooooo good!" Everyone laughed. We were sitting outside of the shop,

sipping our drinks, and not bothering anyone. I was having a good time, but then I heard familiar voices. I turned my head to see Anton coming out of the store next to us, with his arm around a blonde slut.

"Shit." I muttered.

"What?" Asked Gerard. He turned his head to the direction I was staring at, and his smile dropped instantly. "Fuck." We both turned our heads away in the hope they wouldn't notice us. But, no luck.

"Hey emo fag!"

"Oh god." Mikey's grip around his cup tightens, I'm surprised the lid didn't pop off! I heard laughter as the school's whores walked up to us. Now that I get a better look, it turns out that the slut Anton had with him, was none other than Chloe Williams. I hate her. She had it all, big, blonde, wavy hair, brown eyes pearly white teeth, a perfect body, fair skin, but was dyed with a badly done spray tan. She was the school's biggest slut. She is a total rich, snobby, bitch. I can't stand her!

"Aww, look baby!" Said a venom filled Chloe. "The little emos' formed a suicide cult!, how goth of you!" I took a deep breath, and said.....

"First of all, that doesn't make any sense, second of all, your an idiot, and last but not least, your a snobby bitch."

"Hey babe." Anton said to his slutty bimbo. "Why don't you wait in the car, I don't want you to get sick with all these goth freaks around. He said with an evil smirk.

"Aww baby." And she walked away. What an idiot.

"What do you want?" Gerard said rudely.

"I thought I told you to stay away from her, freak!" What is he talking about?

"You're not the boss of me Anton, I don't even know why you even care. So go feel sorry for yourself somewhere else. I don't wanna see you loathe, and hate yourself for being an idiot......Actually I do, someone get a camera!" Oh Gee, I thought, and giggled.

"Just you wait Way! I'll fucking punch that little smirk right off your face! I will fucking beat the life out of you!" And he walked away, but halfway through he turned back around and winked at me. I made a face with disgust.

"Who was that guy?" Asked a confused Frank.

"Just a hypocritical jock." Replied Mikey.

"I'll see you guys later, I don't feel so well." I said sickly.

"Are you ok, do you want a ride home?" Gerard questioned with worry.

"I'm fine don't worry about it."

"Ok, We'll see ya tomorrow." We all said our goodbyes. I hugged Gee and Mikey, along with Frank and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, and left for a walk home.


Thank God rehearsals over! I'm exhausted! A 12 year old should not be rehearsing for a school musical this long! I was walking fast, I still had to go to my friend's Savannah's birthday party at Xtreme Wheels! I had to shower, change, do my hair, and makeup! The party was in barely an hour! As I was walking, I almost bumped into a very tall male. Luckily we both moved our shoulders so we wouldn't collide. I didn't really get to see his face, all I saw was a light brown hair, and an a electric blue blur.

I was having so much fun! The party was really going, then the song Stereo Hearts came on. I love this song! I was skating with my friend, Ciara when she called for someone.

"ANTON!" Called the short blonde. The tall, pale, boy's head snapped around, to see the face of the voice calling his name.

"Oh, hey Ciara."

"Hey! OH! I want you to my good friend Violet. She's pretty beast." (A/N: does anyone remember when saying "beast" was cool? hahaha, it was so stupid!)

"Nice to meet ya." He said nicely


"You too, I like your hair." I flirted, this guy was seriously hot! His brown hair looked so shiny! Then I noticed his shirt, it was electric blue, oh my god! It was the guy I almost ran into!

"Thanks, I like your necklace."

"Thanks." I blushed, my hand grabbing at my silver, bow necklace That night, was the night that I made a new friend, a best friend.

End Of Flashback

I wiped my eyes of tears. I was sitting on my bed, remembering things I wish I could forget. Then I noticed my 7th grade yearbook. I picked up the dusty piece of cardboard, and opened it. Everyone looked so different here, everyone use to be such good friends. Then 8th grade hit, everything changed, then everyone went to different high schools, and- I caught a glimpse of familiar handwriting. I was looking at all the signatures I had gotten. And then I saw his.

Anton White- Favors

I never really knew what he meant by that. Seeing it though use to make me smile and feel all warm inside. Now is makes my feel sick, my chest hurts, and I feel miserable inside. I wish I never met Anton White.

Dear Journal,

Drip drip drip, 3 drops of blood rush past my arm. It symbolizes how ugly the world his, how I shouldn't be here, why people die so early. I hate the world. The world just wants me so suffer, by giving me amazing experiences, then ripping them away in one slash of a knife.

Dear Journal, Who Will Save me?
♠ ♠ ♠
The Flashback, that actually happened to me, so is the yearbook signature thing, and future flashbacks will to. I guess, this is my way to deal with the pain of it.......

(This chapter has been re-written)