Status: I'm baaaaaack

Dear Journal, Who Will Save Me?

Skate Parks And Pills

Violet’s POV

"Hey Gee!" I called out. I was walking to school as usual when I spotted my best friend. Gerard spun around and I was greeted with a smile.

"Oh, hey Vi. Whats up?”

"Notice anything different?" I hinted. He looked at me.

"Holy shit..." He said. "Violet! Your eyes! There icy blue!"

"Cool right? I've been BEGGING my parents to get me colored contacts! What do you think?"

"I like it, its different." He replied.

"Hahaha thanks, I have a whole bunch more colors at home! Like purple, red, white, green, blah blah blah."

"That's cool. Hey, do you wanna hangout this weekend?"

"Sure! Is Frankie and Mikey coming?" I asked.

"Actually-uh. I was thinking it could be just you and me, you know?"

"Oh, um, ok-so you mean like a date?"

"NO! I mean, well, only if you wanted it to be..." I was about to answer when someone threw random pencil sharpeners at us


"What the fuck?" It was a bunch of Anton's douche, jock friends.

"Why don't you use them to cut yourself. emo freaks!" And they walked away. I sighed as the bell rang.

"I'll see you inside Gerard, bye."


**********Later That Day***********

"I'm serious Frank! I wanna look perfect! What should I wear?"

"UGH! Just wear whatever! I mean, you're going skateboarding. Wearing a fucking prom dress would probably not be the best idea." My cousin said sarcastically. I threw a pillow at him.

"I really like him Frankie. I don't wanna mess this up like last time." I took a seat on my bed. and Frank scooted closer and put his arm around my shoulders.

"You'll be fine, hon. Don't sweat about it."

"Your right." I said. I decided to just wear my black skinnies, black, studded belt, my "The Killers" band tee, and of course, a bunch of bracelets rising up my arms. "Hey Frank, I never asked you how you and the Way boys met. How did you meet? And also why did thy switch school?" Frank looked down. and his smile got smaller.

"Mikey, Gee, and I all went to the same high school, the one I go to now."

"The Catholic one?"

“Yeah that one. We have a friend, Ray he still goes there with me. All four of us are really close buds. But unfortunate someone decided for us to be the outcasts, the "freaks". We all got bullied pretty badly. But, Gerard got bullied the worst. He was the fat, nerdy, art kid, who did school musicals. He even played Peter Pan once, hahaha. For some reason, guys who did that sort of thing are apparently, faggots. It makes no sense, what's wrong with being good at something, or liking something?"

"There's nothing wrong, people are just closed-minded, and ignorant."

"I guess so.... Anyway, Gerard gave up the singing thing and pursued his art, he gained, then lost weight too! Of course people will find anyway to keep people like us squished on the ground. They started spreading rumors about him being bulimic, or anorexic, it was terrible. Gerard became an alcoholic, he abused anti-depressants. He, even tried to take away his own life." Pause, I could tell how much this affected Frank, I saw a few tears stream down his face, and he continued. "Thank God he failed! We sent him to a rehab center, he got clean, and was happy. But we all knew if he went back to school he would be treated even worse. That's why he switched school. And Mikey followed to make sure nothing bad would happened to him. Its also why I called you to befriend them, to watch after him." Frank was tearing up at this point. I hugged him, telling him its alright. I looked at the clock.

"Crap, Frank! I gotta go! Will you be ok?"

"Yeah I'll be fine, have fun ok?"

"Ok, I'll see you later." I pecked him on the cheek, and dashed out the door.


"This is awesome!" Gerard excitingly said.

"Hahahaha! Way better than the old one!" We were having a great time skating, talking, having fun like any other teen should! But of course Anton shows up to ruin it all.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Anton said.

"Since when do you skateboard?" Gerard's voice dripped with venom.

"He doesn't." I said. "He snowboards."

"Don't forget longboard." Anton had an evil smirk on. "I thought I told you to leave her alone!" Anton's face turned red, his clenched fists turned white, it looks like he was about to explode!

"Like I said before, you aren't the boss of me. You have no control over me."

"We'll see about that..." Anton lunged at Gerard. Fists from both bodies swing at each other, mixed blood dripping to the pavement. It was terribly scarring to watch. All of the sudden I heard a piece of metal flip out. Anton held a metal pocket knife. Gerard's eyes grew wide.

"ANTON NO! STOP!!" I ran in front of Gerard and hugged his waist. "Whatever happened to you Anton? Did all those times in middle school really mean nothing to you?"

"Violet, Vi..."

"Don't call me Vi! Only my friends call me that! You aren't my friend anymore! Just leave us alone!" I screamed. I was surprised, Anton looked truly hurt. Then again, Anton was one of the greatest actors in school, he was probably faking it.

"Violet.....Of course I care about you."

"Bullshit!" I yelled. "If you cared about me. You would've never of ditched me in the 8th grade! You would've never leave me to become a bitch jock! You would've never left me for Chloe, in the 7th grade after we-" I was crying now, completely sobbing. "I can't do this anymore." I turned around, and ran home."

"Violet wait!" Gerard called.

"Violet, please listen." Anton practically begged, but it was too late. I was gone, I was always gone. When i got home, no one was there. I quickly went upstairs to my room, and pulled the letter I have written a million times out. I set it on top of my journal. I took a glance at the picture I drew a while back. Of the boy sitting on a curb, ’

”I’ll see you soon lil bro.’’I pulled out a few bottles of vodka, whisky, beer, and any other toxic drink. I took out my secret stash of pills. I popped them each in my mouth. One, bye one. Sip, by sip. And slowly, everything turned black.

Dear Journal, It Is Too Late To Save Me........
♠ ♠ ♠
It's not over yet!!!