Status: on hiatus until further notice

Knifes And Tea

Happy Birthday?

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Amaya, happy birthday to you." I can't believe I'm 18 years old. I can't believe it's been nine years since, since.....They left. Nine long years of depression, hard work, and loneliness.

"Earth to Amaya? HELLO??"

"Oh, sorry Frank. I was spacing out."

"No shit you were, I think I see drool on you haha."

"I do not drool, my skin is just really shiny..."

"Sure it is...." Frank said sarcastically. Ahh Frank. He's been my best friend since we were 5. If it wasn't for him, I probably would've been dead by now. Frank is a short little guy, with wavy, black hair that covers his eyes. His eyes which are a nice green, hazel color. He has the gauge peircing, along with one on his lip and nose. His skin is like a canvas. He has tattos painted in every area of his body, you can barley see skin! I swear Frank never really grew up. He has a body of a midget teen, but the heart of a 7 year old.

Todays June 4th, my birthday. Frank and I are sitting in my bedroom. You see, I live in an orphanage. My room has concrete floors and wals, painted a boring white. But, I have blue curtains that gives the room a blue, airy color/feeling. I have a silver metal bed, with an uncomfy matress, two pillows, and a thin blanket. I had a small side table and closet. On my table was a light blue lamp, and a small, brown notebook with a black pen.

"So what did you wish for?" Asked a curious Frank.

"If I tell you it won't come true."

"Awww, come on! Pretty please, with 50 cherries on top!!!"

I took a breathe. "No Frank." Come on, I got to be outta her in half an hour." Since I'm 18, I am not elidgable to live here now. Luckily, Frank just got an apartment in Newark, New Jearsy. Yes we live in Jearsy, and no, I'm not on Jearsy Shore. I took my last suit case, and walked torward the door with Frank. I turn around slowly, and gave my room one last look. And with a breath, I turn back around, ane walk through the door.

"You will be missed Amaya." Ms.Wilder said in a monotone voice. Ms.Wilder is in charge of were I live. She is the meanest, stupidest fucktard I have ever known. With her pudgy body, anf blonde hair, tied in the highest, tightest bun possible. I turn to smile at her and say,

"I hope you die a slow, bloody death." And continue to walk away, laughing to myself, while Frank just shook his head. We practically sprinted down the white stairs, and out the main door.

"FREEDOM!!!!!" Yelled a very cheerful Frank, as we got in his black Lotus.

"I want your car." I said jealously to the short boy sitting next to me.

"HAHAHA! You will NEVER get my lil Britanny!" Britanny, a.k.a what Frankie calls his car.

"Haha whatever Iero." And we sped off.

-----------------An Hour Later------------------

"Frank!" I whined. "Are we there yet?'

"for the 50th time, NO!"

"Ugh!! Hey whats that guy doing?" I asked. Behind us were 3 black sports cars, inside were men in white jackets, pants, and shirts. They wore creep mask with black hair and blood. BAM! BAM! Two gunshots were fired at us!

"Oh shit." Frank cursed.

"Frank.....Whats going on?"

"Bend down and cover your head." He said calmly.

"DO IT NOW!!" I did as orderd, as Frank pulled a metal objects out of his black hoodie.

"Since when in hell do you carry around guns?!?!"

"Be quiet!" He yelled. And fired 3 gunshots torwards the cars behind us. I let out a scream. "I said be quiet!" Before I knew it, Frank drove the car right over the highway! He swerved around other cars, and fired 2 more gunshots. "OW! Motherfucker!" Shouted Frank.

"Whats wrong?"I asked in panic. I look up to see blood running down Frank's shoulder. "Holy shit you got shot! Frank watch out!" We were about to run into a brick wall, before I took the wheel and quickly turned it to the left. Leaving the 3 cars to either crash into the wall, or eachother. We drove for 15 minutes until Frank parked in an underground parking lot. "Frank who were they! What do they want why are they after us, oh my god are you a criminal? How come you never told my? What if they kill me? FRANK!!!!"

"I said be quiet! Ugh, follow me." We both got out of the car, and I quickly followed Frank into a building withwhite wall, and with many windows.

(A/N: New story! Please comment what you think. The first few chapters might not be well written, so sorry about that. I promise it will get better!)