Status: This is my baby and parts are based off me and a friend so it's very personal


Crazy, Crazier, Craziest

Michael’s POV:
“Aren’t they adorable, Mikey?” Carrie asks as she holds Keegan and I hold Jackson.
“I still can’t believe this.” I say and she smiles. They were born two hours ago, February 24.
“Neither can I, but I love them.” She kisses both of them then looks at me with the biggest smile I’ve ever seen from her.
“It’s hard to believe you were just cussing up a storm in here.” I tell her and she glares at me.
“That was different. I was kind of shoving two 5 pound babies out of my body.” She says. “They should have done the C-section like normal doctors.”
“But aren’t you happy we have two safe and healthy baby boys?” I ask her and she smiles again.
“They are pretty special. A girl would have been nice but I’m happy with this.” I put my hand on her shoulder and she moves over to make room for me.
“Ready to switch?” She asks. I take Keegan and she takes Jackson.
“Well isn’t this adorable?” Megan yells as she walks in the room. I look up to see all five of them.
“Dude, did Jake grow?” I ask.
“Yeah, he did, he’s got crawling down and he's gaining weight.” Megan says as she switches the side he’s on. “It’s hard to believe he’s already a year.”
“No, Meg, remember what we said.”
“But, Cameron!” She begs and he kisses her. “Fine.”
“Wow, I’m kind of glad we aren’t having twins.” Maddi says as she waddles to a chair.
“When are you due again?” Carrie asks.
“May 14th.” She says and winces. “But any time earlier would be appreciated.”
“You’ll make it, babe.” Zach tells her and he puts his hand on her stomach.
“Did you feel that?” She asks him.
“We have a little soccer player in there.” Zach jokes.
“But she’s confused on where the soccer ball is. Kendall, sweetie, it’s outside of mommy not inside!” She yells and Zach calms her down.
“Aren’t you glad I wasn’t this crazy?” Megan asks Cameron who laughs.
“You just had crazy cravings.” She laughs.
“Aren’t you glad I didn’t have moodiness or cravings?” Carrie asks me and I kiss her.
“That made this so much easier for me.” I tell her and she smiles.
Just wait, Maddi, it’ll be worth it in the end.” Carrie tells her and Maddi just groans.
“Are you sure? It doesn’t feel worth it right now.” She says and I laugh.
“You have a long three months ahead of you.” I tell Zach who glares at me.
“Please don’t say anything that will get her started.”
“Do you think I’m crazy, Michael? Do you think I’ll make Zach miserable? Because I can definitely make you miserable!” She yells.
“Breathe, Maddi, he didn’t mean it.” Zach says and stands up.
“Back off!” She yells and I’m kind of scared now.
“I’m sorry, Maddi, I didn’t mean it.” I say and she calms down again.
“No, I’m sorry, I’m overreacting like crazy.”
“Should we get you something for the pain?” Zach asks her.
“All drugs hurt the baby except the epidural. And I’m not in labor yet.” They walk out of the room.
“Well, we’re going to let you two have some alone time with your babies.” Megan and Cameron leave and I look at Carrie.
“I love you, my normal wife.” I kiss her.