I'm Only in Love..

daisys pov

My alarm clock rang. I sat up, my head spinning. I pressed the 'stop' button and stood up. It was half six. The sun had obly just started to rise and the birds were singing. I loved looking out the window early it was so peacefull, no little brother to annoy me. My school uniform was hung up on my wadrobe. Only one more year of school... I felt so dizzy. My phone started to vibrate, I had a text from my boyfriend, Connor. It said 'SEEING YOU AFTER YOU FINISH SCHOOL OKAY? XX' I replied and sat on the bed. At the moment i was wearing one of his tops that he had left behind the last time he stayed over. My stomach churned. I frowned but carried getting ready. I put on my makeup and sorted out my hair and then took my uniform off the wadrobe. Suddenly I started.to gag. My mouth started watering and I went really dizzy. I threw up before i knew what was going on... My mum came into the room and told me to go back to sleep. I laid on the bed and fell asleep. I woke up and my mum came into the room.
"feeling better?" she asked
"I dunno" I replied.
"well your boyfriend is coming over in a minute." my mum said. She said boyfriend like it was the worst word she could ever say. Thats because she dosent like Connor.
"yay" I said.
About an hour later Connor came into my room.
I stood up and hugged him.
"hey..what's up?" he said
"I missed you...I feel so bad we can't go and do anything cuz i, m ill."
"it's okay, I missed you too...."
The next day I felt better. At school in drama chloe was takimg to me. Chloe, by the way, is my best mate.
"I messaged him last night and he REPLIED" she was telling me
"but Brad messaged me, are you even listening?"
"yeah, but like, it's not like anything.....uh.. Flirty?"
"NO...but wee planned to meet up tonight, you and conor come?" Chloe insisted
"okay okay"
So I had plans for tonight now. And this was going to be interesting. I knew what Chloe was lime. I knee what Brad was like. Interesting
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No hate okay