Status: Active.

We'll Do What We Want To

Pop Another One

I chugged the sour alcohol and threw the bottle to the side. Everyone cheered for me. I was surrounded by jumping moshing people. Glow sticks and strobe lights illuminated the room. Smiling, drunk faces were everywhere. The room smelt of alcohol and drugs. This is where I belong.

"Melina!" I heard from behind me. I turned around to see my bestfriend, Sadie. She had the brightest smile on her face. "Come with me." She said.

Soon I was in the basement of the giant house. Smoke filled the room. People snorting cocaine and smoking weed were everywhere. Finally. I spot my friend Reggie through the thick, gray cloud of smoke.

"Reggie!" I said running up to him.

"Hey, Melina!" He said excited to see me. He pulled me into a hug before handing me an already lit joint. "Hit that." He said. I took a long drag of the drug before blowing the smoke into the air. I took more hits until it was gone. "I can see you like it." Reggie smiled. I nodded already high.

This is my life at night. If there's a party you can bet Melina Jackson is there. The night proceeded with me doing more drugs and drinking more. I danced and had fun until everyone went home. When I arrived at my flat I was piss drunk and higher than a kite. I stumbled into bed and instantly fell asleep.

I woke up with a pounding in my head, still feeling somewhat high from the night before. I checked the time and seen it was close to 2:00. This means I had about an hour to get to my job at Starbucks. I sighed and rolled over in my bed.

This is how my day goes. I usually wake up late, then arrive at my job, then work 3-9, then go home and off to another party. But there's not always a party. So mostly I just go home and get drunk and high alone.

Most people shake their heads at me. They think drinking and doing drugs are sins and horrible. I see it as a way to get away. How else would I still be alive at the moment? My life is just one big pile of shit. I really do nothing to contribute to the happiness of this Earth and the people on it. Unless you count serving rich white girls their low fat coffee contributing happiness, which I don't.

I showered then threw on my work uniform. On the way out I grabbed my favorite sunglasses and headed to work. Work was only about 5 minutes away on foot so I walked everyday.

I reached into my purse and pulled out an orange bottle of pain killers instantly putting two in my mouth and swallowing with no water. Having fun comes with it's consequences. Ugh.

Somewhere in the midst of working my headache went away and I felt better. After serving at least 100 cups of coffee or smoothies or whatever to snobby children the day ended. I was relieved to go home and not have to look at another Starbucks cup until tomorrow.

On the way home I pass many dark allies which usually don't scare me, except tonight I have a very weird feeling about them. Like something is lurking, or is out to get me...

I heard a few footsteps and I jumped. It's all in your head... It's all in your head... I kept thinking. But it wasn't. Before I knew it someone attacked me from behind. They began choking me and trying to pull me back into the ally but I kept fighting back. I bit the mans arm which tasted like sweat. He yelled in pain but didn't let go. At this point I was scared. I thought I was going to die.

"Hey! Get off her!" I heard. The man was thrown off of me. I choked gasping for air. I rolled over on the ground and stared at the two mean fighting. After a few seconds the man who attacked me was knocked out and I was looking into the eyes of someone I've never met before. "Are you ok?" He asked.
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Woooooo. What's gonna happen next?!? This is my first story on this site. Not the first fanfic I've ever written but the first on this site. So I hope you enjoy it! (: