My Heart Is Dead, Its Way Past Beating.

From Now On.

I could not pass up a chance to get closer to my prey. I let them in and smiled cheerfully.

Tom and Bill were standing there with vodka, lemons, a mixer, and Jack Daniel’s in hand. I officially love them. Even if I cannot drink a lot, I can still drink. In addition Bitch, I’m going by Canadian rules, fuck America.

“I love you. I need a drink, like…right now.” I smiled.

Bill giggled and Tom smirked. What is it with them? Why are they so fucking hot? It just makes my job harder.

Andy put on that plastered smile of hers and grabbed the vodka and mixer. There was another knock on the door it turned out to be that Matt person, and a black haired kid with snake bites.

“HI! I’M SONNY!” he shouted all at once.

“HOLY SHIT! I’M CO-RORY!” I said really fast to clean up my mistake.

Andy glared daggers at me, but the kid looked like he was too coked up on speed to notice my mistake. He was hyperactive, and amazing. I’m sure he will be my new best friend on this tour.

I sat down on the couch –slash- futon thing and sighed. I forgot my drink.

“Vere, lookz like you needz thiz.” Bill offered me a drink. It was blue and it smelled good.

“What is it? It smells really, really good!” I sniffed it slightly, then looked up at him with a puzzled look.

“Eetz called Evee Blew.” He smiled brightly.

His accent makes me melt, I swear.

I looked over at Andy, who was chatting up Matt and Sonny. Sixy and Jeff were here too, but I don’t remember them getting here…

“Tomi likez Zhat Zixy gie…” Bill said with a hint of bitterness.

“Awe, what’s wrong, Billa?” I asked, looking at him with an odd expression. Compassion, maybe?

“I duen’t vant my older bruder ert.” He sighed.

Bravely, I kissed him on the cheek and smiled. “That’s sweet. But he is going to have to make his own mistakes, or he is going to keep falling for the wrong people. I know Sixy and Jeff really well though. They wouldn’t hurt him. They like to play around anyway. I’m sure they’d let Tom into their sex life a little bit.”
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Sorry for the lack of updates on this. I've been feeling like a douche lately XD
