Heartbreak City

prolouge | mask my face.

His hand wrapped around the width of the glass bottle, I watched him from the living room stairs. I watched him as he chugged his seventh bottle of beer. I sighed softly, soft enough so he wouldn't hear me. I was practically being held hostage. I quietly walked up the stairs, or so I thought I was quiet. The stairs creaked and I gasped quietly. I heard him grumble and get off the couch, I started running, I ran into my room. I closed the door and jumped into my bed. I threw the covers over me, I breathed, softly. I closed my eyes hoping that he wouldn't come up stairs, but of course, he did. I heard my bedroom door open, I was waiting for the stinging pain of him hitting me - I heard a thump and some more grumbling come from his mouth. I leaned over the edge of my bed and saw the man that had been raising me for the past sixteen years on my bedroom floor, passed out. I grinned and heard rocks hitting my window. I knew exactly who it was, my saviour, Tyler Carter.