Heartbreak City

001 | something nice for yourself

I looked at my father who was passed out on the floor, I grinned and opened my window and climbed out my window. I made my way onto the roof, I smiled at Tyler. Tyler waved, I waved back. I slowly made my way down the ladder that we always seemed to be leaning against the side of our house.

"Jesus. Ellie, could you be any slower?" Tyler asked me as I made my way over to him, I stuck my tounge out, Tyler slung his arm around my shoulder as we walked to his car. I got in and then he got in, the drive to his apartment was quiet. We made our way into his apartment, he looked at the time and then collapsed onto his couch. I watched my best friend fall, I giggled and sat on him. "Wait. What. the. fuck. get. off." Tyler mumbled in the cushion, I wiggled my butt so it would hurt him - he hated it, only because I have a really bony butt. I felt Tyler wrap his arms around my waist and then I felt myself in the air. I screamed softly, I heard Tyler chuckle lowly and then I found us in his room. Tyler threw me on his bed before walking out of the room. I wrapped myself in his blankets.

"ELEANOR HAINSLEY PARKER. GET YOUR ASS UP." I heard someone scream from the living room, I mumbled and slowly rose up. I examined the room I was in, it wasn't mine. It took me a couple of seconds to realize I was at Tyler's apartment. I sighed and walked into the kitchen where Tyler was sitting on his couch eating cereal, his dog, Chanel, was sitting on his lap - hoping that Tyler would drop something. Tyler looked over at me and smiled, he started talking with his mouth full.
"Ellieee. Your 17th birthday is comin up, whatdoyouwant?" I sighed, ever since we met, Tyler has been hellbent on getting me something. I shook my head and opened the cupboard to reveal his assortment of cereal, damn. For a boy who tours a lot, he stacks up on food.

"No." I let the word roll off my tounge.

"No. No what?" Tyler asked, this time his mouth NOT full of food.

"No present." I said again



"Tell me why, El." Tyler was being persisant. I sighed and poured my cereal in an empty pot, I poured some milk in. Tyler watched me.

"Because. You don't need to spend your hard earned money on me. Buy yourself something nice." Tyler sighed, he started to whimper like a dog, Chanel raised her head to look at her owner, she tilted her head. Tyler chuckled and kissed her nose. Tyler turned and faced me.

"Gurl. I'm getting you something, even if you don't like it, I'll make sure you like it. Because I got it for you." Tyler said sassily, I stared at him with shock. I just got sassed by Tyler Carter, he was never sassy. That's what I had Josh Franceschi for.

"Tyler. Never call me qurl again. Got it?" Tyler nodded and stuck his tounge at me, I shook my head. I checked the time. It was 2:12 in the afternoon, my eyes widened. I dropped the pot and Tyler looked at me.

"You okay?" I shook my head and ran out his door, I started to run home, praying that my Dad would still be knocked out from last night.

After a half an hour of running, I finally made it home. My dad's car was gone, hopefully he went to get some more liquor or something. I walked into the house stealthily and when the coast was clear, I ran into my room. I slammed my door shut and waited for my Dad to get home, the moment that I was going to be dreading.

What seemed like hours had gone by, but it was only 20 minutes. I heard someone come stammering up the stairs, I closed my eyes and bit my lip. The person opened the door and jumped onto my bed wrapping their arms around me. I squeaked.

"El. Calm down. It's just me." a familar voice said, it was Tyler. I sighed and rolled my eyes. When I went to go say something, I heard the front door open and then slam shut.

"ELEANOR. YOU BETTER BE HOME. YOU BETTER TELL ME WHOSE CAR IS PARKED OUTSIDE" I gasped and grabbed Tyler, I opened my closet and shoved Tyler in there. I slammed the door shut and jumped onto my bed. I could tell Tyler was going to regret coming over when my Dad was here.
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cliff hanger. :o
enjoy? it might get a bit heated in the next chapter. comments are welcome!