Heartbreak City

002 | distance disturbs me.

My Dad barged into my room, I could smell the alcohol that was lingering off his breath. I shuddered. I envisioned Tyler clenching his jaw, I whimpered a bit. My Dad tore the blankets off of me, I squealed and he grabbed my arm and dragged me on the floor. My Dad climbed on top of me and started punching me, I squirmed and started crying. I heard a door open and then I saw Tyler tackle my Dad, he kneed him in the chest a few times before rolling off him, Tyler grabbed my hand and ran down the stairs with me. We ran to his car, I quickly climbed in and he followed my lead, he climbed in the Drivers seat and quickly sped away.

Tyler and I made our way into his apartment, I walked into the living room and collapsed on his couch, I buried my head in the pillow and started sobbing.

"T-Tyler, I'm s-so sorry..." I said inbetween sobs.

"Sorry for what?" He asked, he walked over to me and sat next to me, he put his hand on my shoulder. I frowned and my bottom lip continued to quiver.

"For having you to go through that, I'm soso sorry. Tyler, I never meant for you to have to see that, ever." I heard Tyler sigh, he rubs my back and we sit in silence for a minute, he clears his throat and stands up.

"I'm gonna go make something to eat, you want anything?" I hear him ask, I shake my head, I hear words being muttered under his breath, he heads off towards the kitchen, and in a snap of a finger he comes back chewing on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I sigh and look at Tyler.

"Alright bud, something is up, what's wrong?" Tyler asked as he swallowed his sandwich and took another bite of it. I shrugged and wrapped my arms around my knees as I brought them to my chest, Tyler started to talk with food in mouth. "Seriously, El. What's going on? You seem upset about something."

"I don't know Tyler. I just realized, my birthday is like right around the corner, and my Dad won't celebrate it with me, he'll just abuse me even more and say that it's one more year that I'll be a mistake, and so forth. I'm so fucking confused. I just want to be loved, by someone." I let it all out, Tyler swallowed what he had left of his chewed sandwich, he looked at me for a minute. I just stared at him and he stared back, he raised his eyebrow and leaned in, he pressed his lips against mine, our lips started to move together. I quickly pulled away realizing that he was 21 and I'm only 16.

"El..I'm sorry, that shouldn't have happened." Tyler spoke softly, he's right, it shouldn't have happened but wow, it felt so good, too good.
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oops. xoxo. comments?