Heartbreak City

003 | just prisoners in love.

Tyler and I sat across from each other, I was still in shock that he had kissed me. Tyler looked very concerned with what he had just done, I pursed my lips and just kept my gaze on him; he started to nervously play with his hands.

"Listen...I, I shouldn't have kissed you, that was really wrong of me, but I just felt like I needed to do it, you know? I mean, you're so perfect. You really are, I really like you, but it's just really wrong." Tyler was having a hard time coming up with his words which caused to me giggle a bit. Tyler put on a fake pout, he then stood up and put his hand out. I took Tyler's hand and he pulled me off the couch. Tyler wrapped his arms around me. "Never let anyone change you, whoever gets to marry you will be the luckiest man in the world, and I mean that."

I felt tears start to flow down my face, Tyler smirks a bit and wipes away the tears with his thumb. Tyler hugs me and I hug him back, he rubs my back comforting me in the proccess. I never want Tyler to let go, but unfourtantley he does.

"Tyler, I love you. I literally love you, I know it's not right, but I just. You're perfect, too; the way your eyes sparkle, the way you're able to make me smile, and just make me feel happy. You're my hero. I owe my life to you." I starting choking on my own words, Tyler smiles a smile that I have never seen before. Tyler places his hands on my face and kisses me again, it's a quick kiss. Tyler chuckles, and he licks his lips.

"This is so fucked up, like really fucked up." Tyler says under his breathe, causing us both to get a small laugh out of it.

/ tyler's point of view /

Jesus, she loved me. I thought I was the crazy one, too. I could get in so much trouble, I cleared my throat and she looked at me with this innocent look. I raised my eyebrow.
"So, what do you want to do for your birthday tomorrow?" I watched her as she lazily shrugged, her black hair fell perfectly over her shoulders; Ellie hesitantly spoke up.
"Can we just stay in all day and not do anything at all? I really don't want to do anything, Tyler. I just want to watch movies all day." I pouted at her response, that sounded so boring. I nodded just to make her happy, I'll probably get some band girlfriend to go shopping with her so I can plan a party, or something.

"Fine. Jesus, you're so lazy. Can I at least take you out to lunch?" I asked her, Ellie shook her head, I sighed. "Well then." Ellie sat down on the couch, I walked over to her and sat on her, she giggled. Of course as soon as I sat down on her, my phone started ringing. I sighed and pulled out my phone, checking the caller I.D. M. Bohn.

"Michael, what's up man? Wait, what do you mean...we didn't go over this as a band, though...wait, Case decided that we were? What the fuck. It isn't his call whether we do or not, besides, I'm kinda actually really busy tomor-- no, listen, can we just talk about this later? I'm really busy at the moment, too. Well, tell Case I know where he lives and if he ever makes another desicion without consulting us like that again, I'll kill him in his sleep." I hung up, I looked behind me and looked at Ellie.

"Jesus, Tyler, angry much? What did fuckaroo do this time?" Ellie asked, actually quite intrigued in what Case did. I chuckled at her nickname for him.
"He agreed to a tour with August Burns Red and Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!" I saw Ellie's eyes light up with the mention of Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!
"Carter, tell fuckaroo I love him." Ellie said as she pushed me off of her, I landed on the floor with a soft bump.

/ ellie's point of view /

I fucking love Case so much right now, I pull out of my phone and quickly text this loser.

To: Fuckaroo, xoxo.
"Fuckaroo, I love you so much right now, okay. I can't"

I laid on Tyler's bed, dreading my seventeenth birthday tomorrow. I hated my birthday, it just meant one more year that I had to suffer while being around my father. I really just don't like my Dad, ever since my Mother died and he started drinking, I can't stand him. I started to think about other things when my phone buzzed.

From: Fuckaroo, xoxo.
"Haha, hello, Elf. wait, what did i do to make you love me? :p"

I shook my head at his stupidity, I quickly replied.

To: Fuckaroo, xoxo.
"Agreed to a fucking tour with Chunk? & August Burns Red, okay, I love you 5eva."

I spend way too much time on tumblr..not that it's a bad thing. I always end up reblogging stuff about Case and the rest of Issues, I mean, they are like family to me after I met Tyler at Starbucks. Case replied back quite quickly.

From: Fuckaroo, xoxo.
"Oh right, i heard that tyler is pissed at me, hahaha. michael and the rest of the guys don't give a rats ass so why does tyler give a fuck?"

Why does Tyler care so much? I mean the rest of the band agrees to it, so why not Tyler? I shrugged and continued to text Case until we both fell asleep.
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i actually suck at writing stories. but here, since people actually like this. (:
sorry a lot happened & i know that case isn't in issues anymore, but he's going to play a major part in the next few chapters (and i just really love him), same with some of the boys from chunk! xoxo.