Heartbreak City

005 | nobody's gonna hold your hand & guide you through.

/ tyler's point of view /

Fuck Case. Fuck Ellie. I don't need either of them, I love how we haven't even played our show yet and I'm already wanting to murder people. I don't need this bullshit in my life. I looked at Michael who was standing right next to me, he sighed and put his cigarette in his mouth, he started talking.

"What the fuck just happened there. I want to know what the fuck is going on, I don't want any drama to happen on the first day and on El's birthday, she needs to know we won't rip each other apart." Michael said, his words muffled from the cigarette in his mouth.

"Michael, I don't think any of this shit concerns you; this is between Case and myself, so if you could just fuck off..that'd be great." Michael looked at me, appalled, he rolled his eyes and walked away. Michael muttered 'whatever' under his breath as he left my side. I needed to figure out myself why I was so bitter towards everyone right now. Maybe it was because I saw Case and Ellie makeout in the backseat; that broke my heart and I was disgusted with Ellie, why Case of all people!? I started to stare off into space when Ellie comes up to me.

"Tyler, I don't think you're in any position to tell anyone to fuck off, like seriously. You had no right saying what you said to Michael. You should just calm down, and get over whatever is making you so mad." Ellie crosses her arms, I scoff and grab her arm bringing her back towards the venue some more. I grab her face and look at her, she raises her eyebrow. "what. the. fuck, Tyler"

I go to kiss her but she slaps me across my face, she shakes her head and tears start to fall down her face; I look up at her, I hear people shouting her name. It sounds like Case and Bert. Ellie looks at me with an ashamed look, she crosses her arms and walks back towards the front. I run my hands through my hair, I just upset the girl I'm supposed to be protecting, the girl I'm supposedly in love with. Fuck, this is going to be a long tour.

"TWO HOURS UNTIL DOORS OPEN!" I hear someone shout from the front of the venue, everyone thats apart of the bands, or are band crew all start heading to the back. I start walking towards the front of the venue, I look around and see that in a very small amount of time people have lined up. I watch one by one as I catch the attention of many girls, I smile as they all start screaming my name. I wave at them, one girl starts crying as she sees me. I pout and walk over to her, she covers her face and I embrace her in a hug; she slowly uncovers her face and I let go of her.

"I love you so much Tyler, you and the rest of Issues saved my life, like. Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, I must seem obssessed. I swear I'm not okay." The girl had strawberry blonde hair, I smiled and shook my head.

"Hon, you're not, trust me. I've met girls that are, pretty eh. Crazy." I chuckled, she did a half smile, I looked at her wrists, they were covered in scars. I frowned, she looked at me and her half smile changed to a frown. I hugged her again, she asked for a picture and I gladly took the picture with her, in a way she reminded me of Ellie. I heard more screaming arise from the crowd, I turned around and saw Case, Michael, and Ellie. Case had his arm around Ellie's waist. I tried to not let it bug me, but damn it. I kept on taking pictures with fans, and after an hour went by I went into the venue.

/ cases's point of view /

Michael, Ellie, and I all decided to go see what all the comotion was out front, of course, it was Tyler interracting with fans; what he was best at. As fans see us, they start screaming even more, I see Tyler turn around and he looks at me, he looks upset; I watch him turn his attention back towards the fan, Tyler is obviously putting on a fake smile. We watch him talking to some blonde girl that's crying her eyes out; he hugs her one last time and then makes his way into the venue, the fans screaming gets louder. We decided to go do the same thing with the fans, we interacted with them until doors opened. Some girls asked Ellie if she and I were dating, Ellie looked at me and I nodded; Ellie told them we were. Tyler is going to kill me.

We all stayed in our respective dressing rooms until it was our time, Ellie was sitting on my lap and Tyler was God knows where. Ellie and I were flirting with each other, Michael raised his eyebrow at the two of us.

"Dude, Tyler is going to flip the fuck out if he finds out." Michael said in a husky voice, Ellie shrugs, not giving a care in the world about Tyler at the moment.

"Tyler has been an asshole lately, who cares at the moment about him..." Ellie said with a bitchy attitude, of course as soon as she said that, Tyler and the blonde girl from earlier come walking into the dressing room. Tyler looks at Ellie and I, Tyler looks like he had just seen a ghost. Ellie rolls her eyes with disgust; the girl looks at Ellie and raises her eyebrow.

"Guys, this...is, Ainsleigh..." Tyler introduced us to the young girl, she waves and we all say 'Hi' to her, Skyler looks at her and smiles, Ainsleigh smiles back. Tyler rubs her shoulder and sits down. "You can grab a water or whatever, if you want" Ainsleigh nods and awkwardly sits near Tyler. Michael clears his throat and everyone looks at him.

"I know we said no presents for Ellie's birthday today, but I couldn't resist" Michael said pulling a bag out from under the chair he was sitting in, Ellie shakes her head.

"But...no, return it." Ellie sighs as Michael shakes his head, Ellie frowns and takes it from Michael, she slowly opens it revealing a picture frame with selfies of her and the band that they all have taken over the past couple of years with the word 'FAMILY' on the bottom, Ellie starts tearing up. Ellie and Michael get up and hug each other.

"Way to go Bohn, making my girlfriend cry." I say jokingly, Michael gives me the finger, I look at Tyler and he looks at me with this depressed look.

Ellie sits back down on my lap, and we all just start talking until it's time for our set; Tyler was unervingly quiet for the rest of the night.
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credit title to sleeping with sirens.
i said that this was going to be long, but it really isn't that long, idk.
yeah, i make no sense with my stories and i think i'm not that good of a writer, ok.