Heartbreak City

006 | let go of my hand, you don't give a damn.

I watched Case and Ellie laugh together, every once and while they would kiss each other; that really tugged at my heart strings. I got up leaving Ainsleigh in the dressing room with the rest of the band, everyone just watched me leave the dressing room, I walked outside into the hallway and just let tears fall. Why the fuck were they playing me like this? I couldn't handle this anymore, it was a giant mistake asking Ellie to come on tour with us. I let the tears fall as I paced back and forth, my heart breaking even more as I thought about Case with the love of my life in his lap. Why did I ever have to fall in love with her? I ran my hand through my hair, I fell onto my knees, scraping them in the proccess and just cried my eyes out. I saw our tour manager walk into the dressing room and a few moments, the whole band exited. I saw Case look over at me, he had this sorry look in his eye. Ellie and Ainsleigh soon followed, they both turned their attention to me. Ainsleigh bit her lip and frowned, I looked away so they didn't have to continue to see me in the state that I was in. Brokenhearted and fucking confused. As I turned away from them; I saw an exit, I quickly ran for the exit and ran outside. I kept on running, I ran as far as my legs would take me. I finally stopped running and found myself outside a bar, I looked around and walked into the bar. I sat down and ordered a beer. The waiter and I made small talk, I soon learned that his name was Kevin. Kevin seemed like a nice guy.

"So, Tyler, what brings you here tonight?" Kevin asks loudly, the music in the bar is really loud, I shrug and start playing with my hands. I hesitantly answer him.

"You know, 'fuckin female issues. The girl that I thought was the love of my life fucking destroyed how I feel. Her love was a monster, it was eating me alive. She just doesn't give a damn. She's dating the drummer of my band, that fucking slut." I said softly; Kevin chuckled, I watched as people started to file out of the bar. I sighed to myself, Kevin looked at the time.

"Hey man, the bar's about to close, but listen; if you want - you can come to my place, and you can open about whatever you want too. You seem harmless and just distraught." Kevin offered, I nodded accepting his offer. Kevin finished cleaning the tables, he grabbed his car keys and the key to the bar; locking it up. I followed behind him, we made our way to his car in the back parking lot.
After a ten minute drive to his apartment, we both collasped down onto the couch that he had in his living room. It was a normal looking apartment, one bedroom, a small bathroom, decent sized kitchen, okay sized 'living room' - he didn't have any pictures anywhere; that kind of shocked me. Kevin got up and grabbed two beers, he handed one to me and I gladly took it, we opened our beverages at the same time; he took a swig of his before looking at me.

"So, you mentioned something about the bitch that ruined your life dating your band's drummer, what's the name of your band?" Kevin asked, I chuckled at his question and looked at the bottle of beer in my hand.

"Issues." I replied looking up at him, he laughed.
"What the fuck, no way. I was supposed to see you guys tonight, but I never bought the tickets. So, why aren't you at the show?" He asked with an interested look on his face, I shrugged at his question.

"The bitch." I replied, and after that we conversed about random stuff; like sports, music, interests, family. How I got into music and so forth, and four beers later we both were pretty tipsy, although, I was now pretty drunk. I started laughing as Kevin stood on his coffee table; he took off his shirt and started dancing. Kevin grinned and jumped off the coffee table, he sat back down on his couch and looked me in the eye. The next thing I know, his hands are on my face and he's straddling my waist; Kevin leans down and starts to kiss me. I'm hesitant to kiss back, but eventually I do. It's a very passionate kiss. Kevin stands up, making sure not to break the kiss, he lifts me up and brings me into the bedroom, he lays me down on his bed and we continue the heated makeout session. Of course, one thing lead to another, and let me tell you, I was sore in the morning.
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title credit to issues. xoxox.
this whole chapter is honestly based off 'the worst of them' by issues, it's a great song, okay.
comments? what do you think of this chapter, i decided to shake things up a bit. sorry not sorry ~