Status: Beginning!

It Only Takes One Night.


Last night

"Kailee! What are you doing here?" A familiar voice spoke to me from somewhere on my left, so I turned in that direction, being met with a shy smile and a pair of warm brown eyes.

"Tony!" I squealed, throwing myself into the tattooed boys arms. He laughed and hugged me back really tightly, then letting me go, but not before I noticed the slight sad look in his eyes. I didn't like that look one bit.

Tony was my brother Jaime's best friend, and had been since they were in high school. They were in a band together now, Pierce The Veil, and they were touring the world too many days of the year. I'd grown up with Jaime and Tony, and later on, Vic and Mike, the other two members of the band. I barely saw my own brother - and I saw the other three even less. Mike had a great girlfriend that he spent all his free time with, and Vic spent a lot of his time writing and recording - normal singer things, I was told. And Tony? I didn't really know what he did, because he was the one I saw the least now, and that made me pretty sad.

As for me, I was a struggling third year nursing student. Not that I'd ever admit to anyone that I was struggling.

I couldn't help myself - I wrapped my arms around Tony again and just leaned into him, reveling in his embrace.

He nuzzled my head playfully. "Happy to see me, Kails?"

I nodded. "It's been like, what, four months?! I thought I'd never see you again. What have you been up to? And why do you look so sad?"

I hadn't meant to blurt out the second question, but mildly intoxicated me had never been good at keeping my mouth shut. Oh well. This was Tony, at least. He wouldn't mind me asking questions that were none of my business.

His face dropped slightly. "So it's that obvious, huh."

I nodded. "Wanna discuss it over some whiskey or something? I'm buying."

See, when I'd said struggling, I hadn't meant money wise. Oh, no. Money wise, my parents, and Jaime, took care of me very well. I had plenty of money to have fun with. I wasn't too sure that my parents would approve of my idea of fun being getting drunk with one of 'Jaime's friends', but whatever. They weren't here, were they?

Tony didn't look too sure. "I'm not sure Jaime would be too happy if he found out I was getting drunk with his little sister."

I scoffed. The number of times I was referred to as 'Jaime's little sister' was enough to make me want to get drunk every single night of the week. In reality, though, this was probably the second time during the school year that I'd gone out during the week with the intention of getting drunk.

"I'm 22 years old, Antonio. I can get drunk with whoever I want. Besides, didn't you know? I don't live at home anymore, I rented my own place a few blocks from the school about a month ago. No one has to know."

He grinned. "I always forget you're a feisty one, Kailee." He seemed to consider it for another minute before deciding. "Sure, why not? I could use getting this off my chest before your brother and the rest of the band kill me for being downers for the rest of my life."

I ordered a bottle of Jack Daniels and two beers as chasers and we headed to a booth in the back for some privacy.

"So, what's cracking, my favorite Mexican friend?"

He seemed to find that pretty funny, judging by the way he almost spit his drink out at me.

"Kailee, you are aware that you're Mexican too, right?"

I glared at him. "Of course. What are you implying, Mr.Perry?"

"That you're already drunk?"

I glared at him again, and then took the bottle of Jack Daniels and took a long sip straight from the bottle. Then I downed half the beer and my head started to spin slightly.

"Now you may imply that I'm slightly drunk," I stammered. "No, but really, Tony, what's wrong? And don't try to get out of telling me. You promised."

Tony was staring at me, which was fine, because I was staring at him, too. I swear he got better looking every time I saw him. Out of all my brother's friends, I'd always found Tony the most attractive. But tonight, there was something even more attractive about him. Call me crazy, or call it the alcohol, but he looked like an angel.

He sighed. "Stephanie's getting married."

Ouch. We all knew about Tony's hookups with his ex. I guess we'd all always assumed that one day they'd get back together for good. And I guess that there was no way that was happening now.

I slid out of my side of the booth and onto his side, wrapping my arms around him. "Hey, don't be sad. You're amazing, and you'll find someone better one day, I promise. Just don't rush anything, and don't be discouraged when it doesn't happen right off. Oh, and don't be surprised when the person you're meant to be with has been right in front of you the whole time."

He laughed, his laughter rumbling into my chest. "Life advice from a drunken Preciado. Never fails. I wonder which one of your parents you get that from?"

We both thought about it for a reason, thinking back to countless family parties with my mom sputtering out some drunken advice.

"Mom," we both said at the same time. Laughing, he picked up the bottle and tilted it backwards, and then handed it to me. "Drink up, young one. Time's a wasting."

And drink we did, until closing. By then, we were both so wasted that we could barely walk. The bartender offered us a cab, but I declined, saying that I lived just down the street. Tony left his car in the parking lot and followed me home.

His hand was gripping mine, tracing little butterflies on my skin. His touch left me tingling.

We somehow made it up the stairs and I considered myself blessed that my roommate was at her boyfriends for the night. Or else the news of me, ice queen Kailee Preciado, bring a guy home, would have been all over campus by 9am tomorrow.

Tony sank onto my couch, complaining that everything was spinning. I laughed and sat down on top of him, winding my legs around him.

"Hey, Tone?" I breathed. We were really close and it felt so good. I pressed my body closer against his, leaning in until our foreheads were touching.

"Yeah, Kails?"

"I really missed you," I said. "I think you should sleep with me tonight to make up for it."

He smirked. "Oh, really?" His hands traced lightly up my back, causing more of the tingling sensations.

I nodded. "Really."

Within seconds, the distance between our lips was closed and we were frantically kissing each other, pulling at each other's clothes, each of us reaching out for the comfort that only physical satisfaction could provide.

We somehow made it into my room, still kissing, already half undressed. Tony pushed me back onto my bed and I didn't resist, pulling him down on top of me, wrapping my legs around him, wanting more and more and more.

And more, I got. Oh, did I get more.



I groaned as my alarm went off and rolled over, falling flat on my ass on the floor. I sighed, yanking the alarm from the socket on the wall and sinking to my knees.

Holy hangover.

What even happened last night? I had gone out, I remembered that. I'd been more than pissed when my supposed best friend admitted to me that she'd been hooking up with the guy I liked for more than a month without telling me. And to think I'd thought I actually had a chance with him.

Shaking the memory from my head, I looked around my room. My clothes were strewn everywhere. I'd came home with someone, that much was for sure. But who? I didn't remember a single thing from last night. Whoever it was, they were long gone. They hadn't even left a note. Jerk.

I got to my feet, just as my phone rang.


"Ms.Preciado? This is Dick Harrows, assistant dean at San Diego State University?"

My heart skipped a beat. "Yes, good morning, Mr.Harrow. What can I do for you?"

"I'm afraid I have some news for you, Ms.Preciado. We've gotten the scores back from the latest round of testing, and you failed 3 out of 5 of your mandatory subjects. I'm sorry to announce this, particularly at this hour, but your spot at our school has been revoked due to failure to achieve necessary grades."

My jaw dropped. I'd seen this coming, of course, but it still hurts. "But ... I've been trying so hard," I said sadly, and it was true. I'd been studying twice as much, going to review classes, even doing extra credit.

"We're aware of that," the voice on the other line said. "But procedure is procedure. We need you to come in and fill out the required paperwork, and gather your things. After the one year waiting process, you're welcome to reapply for our school. But, I might suggest enrolling in something other than nursing. We have plenty of other great programs here."

Tears dripped down my face. "Of course, Mr.Harrow. I understand perfectly well. I'll be along as soon as I can so this doesn't drag on."

We said our goodbyes and hung up, and I flopped across the bed, giving in to both my hangover and my extreme disappointment. After a few minutes of self-pity, I was able to get up.

I was disappointed, but I'd seen it coming. I couldn't deny that. Despite all my effort, I knew that it was never going to be enough. I should have just sucked it up and told my parents when I first started realizing that nursing wasn't what I wanted, but I was so scared of disappointing them that I'd sucked it up.

And now look where I was.

No school for an entire year. Well, over a year. There was a month left of this year, plus the summer, and then an entire school year before I could reapply. If I reapplied.

I brightened as I remembered that my brother Jaime was back from tour and was staying around San Diego for two months, recording stuff with his band. Maybe I could hang out with them, help them out, whatever. I decided to get dressed, go buy some breakfast, and wake him up. He'd forgive me for waking him if I bought him his favorite breakfast. It worked every time.

As I got dressed, something glittered on the floor beside my battered alarm clock. I crouched down to pick it up, and was hit with a wave of nausea.

My stomach rolling, I barely made it to the bathroom in time to spill my guts, literally. When I finished heaving, I sank onto the ceramic, trying to calm the panic that was welling up in me.

I rolled the necklace in my fingers, willing it to be anything other than what it was. A tiny gold chain with a golden turtle, it's emerald eyes winking at me.

Tony's necklace.

I'd had drunken sex with my brother's best friend last night. Oh, fuck.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second chapter :) I didn't go into detail for the sex yet, there's enough time for that later ;) I'm basically establishing characters and whatnot right now.