Status: Beginning!

It Only Takes One Night.


I guess I should have been more relieved that Kailee was okay with everything that had happened. Instead, I felt strangely disappointed.

Frowning, I went back to working on the guitar solo that I'd been writing. But it still wasn't working for me, and frustrated, I threw my notebook across the room, narrowly missing hitting Jaime in the face. He looked up and glared at me.

"Sorry, Jaime," I said halfheartedly. "I hate guitars."

"Today doesn't really seem to be your day, anyway," he agreed. "Something bothering you?"

"Nah, your sister just tired me out earlier." I realized right off how bad that sounded. "I mean, she has a LOT of stuff, typical girls."

It was too late, though, because Mike and Vic were already laughing at me. I threw my pen at them, and missed. "Shut up, guys, you know exactly what I meant," I growled.

"Woah, down, tiger," Mike said. "We're just messing around."

"Well, I don't think it's funny," I said. "She's Jaime's sister, really, grow up a little." I got up and stretched. "Whatever, I'm out for today."

"Do you wanna get together tomorrow?" Vic said, obviously trying to make amends.

"Actually, I think I need a few days to myself," I said. "I'll be here Monday, for sure. Hopefully with some new chords to show you."

I quickly walked out, closing the door behind me without even saying goodbye.


I'd been lying on my bed for about an hour, feeling sorry for myself, when there was a knock on the door. I didn't answer, pretending I was asleep instead. I heard the door crack open and a sliver of light fell onto my bed. I knew it was my roommate and other best friend, Jaxin, before he even spoke.

"Tone, I know you're not asleep. Come downstairs, I think we should talk."

I considered it. I knew I could confide in Jaxin. "Is Natalie there?" Natalie was his wife.

"No, she's gone to her sister's for a BBQ. I was supposed to be at the store until late for a delivery, which is why I didn't go. But they called me and cancelled, so I came back here. I was in the basement when you came in, looking like you'd been dragged through hell. I figured I'd wait to see if you wanted to talk, but I'm done waiting. We're gonna talk."

I sighed, knowing there was no way out it now. I dragged myself off my bed and followed him downstairs. I sat in one of the chairs and Jaxin sat on the couch, staring at me, waiting for me to say something.

I finally just blurted it out. "I had sex with Jaime's sister."

Jaxin's jaw dropped, and then he whistled. "Woah, I was NOT expecting that."

I dropped my head in my hands. "Yeah, me either," I said. "We were drunk. We went back to her place. And, well, the rest is history."

"Does Jaime know?"

My head snapped up. "God, no! Do you think I'd still be sitting here if he knew? You'd be talking to me in the ER!"

He frowned. "Don't you think you're being a little dramatic? Jaime loves you, he wouldn't kill you."

"That's why I said ER, not morgue."

Jaxin just shook his head. "Okay, okay. So is that what's bothering you? You're worried about Jaime finding out?"

I sighed. "I don't even know. Kailee told me today that there's no way she's going to let her brother find out, so I shouldn't be worried about that. But I obviously still am. He's my best friend, my brother. You don't do things like that with your best friend's sibling."

"I guess I have to agree with you there," he said. "But I think Jaime could get over it. I mean, she's what, 21, 22? She's not a baby."

I was already shaking my head. "No, she's not, but she's still Jaime's little sister. In his eyes, she's still 15. You should know how it is, Jax. You have sisters. He's convinced she still needs protecting. Especially now. She just got kicked out of school for failing her classes and moved in with him. The last thing he needs to find out is that she got drunk and spent the night with me. He's got enough to worry about."

"Are you worried? That maybe she'll want something more?"

"Nah, we already agreed to be friends. We'll put it behind us, it'll get easier. I hope."

Jaxin looked at me very intently. "Why do I feel like it's more complicated than that?"

"Fuck," I groaned. "I hate you. I really hate you. Damn you, Jax. Okay. It's more complicated because it was the best sex I'd ever had and I can't stop thinking about it."

Jaxin whistled for the second time that day. "Wow. Okay. And it's not like you can just have an affair with her. Well. Why don't you date her?"

I almost choked on the sip of water I'd just taken. After a few minutes of coughing, I regained my composure. "Are you crazy?"

"Well, why not?"

"There's more to relationships than sex! Besides, do you really think Jaime would let her date me?"

Jaxin just shook his head. "Jaime can't always be your excuse, Tone. Do you really think he'd object if you really had feelings for his sister?"

"I don't have feelings for her," I muttered. "Just go away, Jax, you're not helping."

Jaxin got off the couch. "Funny, most people get happier when they get laid. You just get grumpier. Whatever, have fun mooning over her like some high school kid instead of doing something about like a grown man."

After a few minutes of laying on the couch hating everyone, I got up and figured that maybe he was right. I could go talk to Kailee, we could go out on a date at least, I could figure out if I actually had feelings for her, if she had feelings for me, whatever. I didn't see how I could just suddenly develop feelings for her. We'd known each other most of our lives, so what had changed?

I got into my car and headed over to Jaime's, humming along to some pointless radio song. I made it there. I even went as far as pulling into Jaime's driveway. His car wasn't in the driveway, and unless Kailee was with him, this would be the perfect chance.

I stayed in the driveway for a few minutes, the engine idling softly, and then with a frown, I backed out of the driveway and squealed away down the road.

I didn't have feelings for Kailee. I was just somehow attached to her after sex, so, naturally, the best way to get her out of my head was to have sex with someone else.

It both disgusted me and saddened me that I knew exactly where I was headed.
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So here's five! Six should be up relatively soon, depending on how much free time I have this weekend! Please let me know what you think!