Status: Beginning!

It Only Takes One Night.


It was a little after twelve the next day when I rang Vic's doorbell. I'd barely slept, I had circles under my eyes and hadn't bothered to change out of the sweats that I slept in. It wasn't like me to be like this; but then again, it wasn't like me to fall for my brother's friends, either. And it wasn't like me to go running to one of them for advice, either. But it wasn't like I could talk to Jaime about this, and I knew I could trust Vic.

There was no answer for a few minutes, and I'd almost gave up and walked back down the walk when Vic opened the door, his hair wet and slightly out of breath. He seemed surprised to see me.

"Hey, sorry, I was just getting out of the shower and I figured I better get dressed before answering the door. Good thing, too, I don't think Jaime would appreciate me flashing you."

I couldn't help it. I burst into tears, and threw myself into Vic's arms, hitting him pathetically.

"I'M NOT A BABY, I'm not just Hime's baby sister, why can't you guys see that? I want to be me. I want to have a life. I don't want to care what he thinks about what I do, or who I see, or whatever. I WANT TO LIVE AND LOVE," I cried as Vic backed us up and managed to close the door before his neighbors could see the show that I was putting on.

I let go of Vic and headed into the living room, throwing myself on Vic's couch and burying my face into the pillows. I felt pathetic. I was pathetic.

I felt the couch dip as Vic sat beside me. "Okay, Kailee, what's going on?"

That's what I liked about Vic. He didn't sugarcoat anything with me, he got straight to the point. When we were younger, he'd be the one to tell me when I was annoying the boys. Not in mean way, but in a way that made me understand and leave while the other boys, even Jaime, would just get mad and call me names but never actually tell me that they wanted to be alone. That was another part of the reason I'd come here, I knew that I could trust him to tell me like it was, whether I wanted to hear it or not.

"I need some advice," I whispered, almost into the couch, afraid to sit up and have to look at Vic.

Of course, that didn't work. He pulled me gently into a sitting position and looked me straight in the eye. "Go ahead ..."

My mouth apparently didn't care to filter the information like my brain did, because I blurted it out before I could stop myself.

"I had sex with Tony."

I had to give Vic credit. While the face he made was similar to that of someone choking to death, he didn't say anything dumb. He actually didn't say anything at all. Like the perfect gentleman, he waited for me to continue, only, I couldn't continue because I didn't know how to say it.

Finally, Vic spoke. "So I guess that's why Tony's been acting weird these last few days, huh? Does Jaime - no, never mind, he obviously doesn't know."

"Actually, Tony's been acting weird because we had a heart to heart the other night, after Jaxin kicked him out and -"

"Jaxin kicked him out?!"

"They got into a fight, it's over now. I guess he told Jaime not to tell anyone. But yeah, he showed up at 4am and we talked for a few hours and fell asleep together, and that's why it's awkward. We'd agreed to forget that we ever had sex, we were drunk and figured we could brush it off, ya know? But it's been almost 3 weeks and I can't stop thinking about it, and we just always end up finding ourselves in awkward positions, like yesterday when he had to come rescue me when I flooded Jaime's bathroom and -"

"Woah," Vic said. "I'm trying to process all of this. So, you guys were, what. at a bar together or something? OHHHH. That explains why you had his necklace! So you hooked up, panicked in the morning, both decided to not say anything and brush it off, but brushing it off is not as easy as you thought it'd be."

I nodded miserably. "If we could just stay away from each other ... but it's like we just can't. Something always happens to bring us together."

"So what happened yesterday?"

I blushed, remembering the water fight, how beautiful he'd been with no shirt, how close we'd been ... and how I'd fucked it up.

"I think I scared him" I said softly, tears filling my eyes. "I .... I basically told him that I wanted to have sex with him again, and then implied that there was something between us, and he ran. Literally."

He'd been out of the house so fast that he hadn't even put on a shirt.

"I don't know if I scared him by basically telling him I had feelings for him because he doesn't have feelings for me, or if he's just scared of Jaime."

Vic hugged me. "Tony would never have opened up to you in any way if he didn't feel at least something. He's probably scared of his own feelings, scared of Jaime, and scared because Stephanie really hurt him. Be easy with him. He's not going to be easy to get through to."

I could sense Vic's unspoken 'but he's worth it' and I agreed, one hundred percent.

"But what about Jaime?"

"I think your little fit at the door made it clear that you want to be more than just Jaime's little sister. Here's your chance. It won't be easy, either, but I am positive that he'll support you when he sees that you're happy. He's always just wanted you to be happy. If Tony hurts you, that's another story, but ... I'm sure me and Mike can at least stop him from killing him completely."

I half smiled, and hugged Vic tightly. "I love you, Victor. I'm glad I can always count on you."

"I just want to see you happy, too, and there's a spark in your eyes when you speak of Tony that I haven't seen since you were a little girl dreaming of Cinderella's castle. It's time to stop chasing other people's dreams and go find your own fairytale ending, you deserve it."

Vic's words stayed in my mind the entire drive to Jaxin's house. Tony's car was in the driveway, but Jaxin's and Natalie's were gone.

I knocked, but no one answered. I pushed the door open anyway, and headed up the stairs. I heard a familiar tune being played on a guitar down the hall, and followed the sound to look in and see Tony strumming on an acoustic guitar, softly singing one of my favorite Brand New songs.

As he came to the end of the song, he looked up and saw me. I waved awkwardly, and he put down the guitar as I pushed open the door.

I smiled shyly. "I always knew you could sing better than you'd admit."

He didn't say anything for long minute, and I almost lost my nerve, but just as I was about to turn away, he got to his feet and pulled me into his arms. I was almost crushed by his embrace, but I didn't care. I didn't want him to ever let me go.

"I'm so sorry, Kailee. I didn't want to hurt you last night. I just ... I didn't know what to say."

I clung to him, his scent comforting me. He propelled us backwards so we sat on his bed, me sitting on his lap, his arms still around me.

"It's okay, Tone ... I probably shouldn't have just blurted it out like that. But I can't deny the fact that something's changed ... you've just started to mean so much more to be than you did before."

"I know.... I feel the same, I think."

I couldn't help but giggle. This situation was so odd. "You think?"

"Okay, I know ... but it's just all so fucked up. I didn't think summer was going to end up like this. Why here, why now? Why couldn't we have felt like this 5 years ago, before I fucked up my life with Stephanie?'

Aha. So that was it.

"I know she really hurt you, Tony, but you can't run from relationships forever."

He sighed, absently curling his fingers onto mine. He looked so sad all of a sudden, and I just wanted to kiss him until he didn't feel anything anymore except my lips on his. But I didn't. I did cuddle closer to him though, slipping my arms around him and laying on his chest.

"We don't have to be in a relationship," I found myself saying. "As long as I get to be with you sometimes ... it'll be enough."

He was already shaking his head. "No. No way."

"Are you saying no because you don't think I should just have a fling, or because you're scared of what Jaime would say?"

His silence was answer enough.

"He doesn't have to know," I said, kissing Tony's cheek softly. "Please. I need this."

He still didn't say anything, and I twisted so I was straddling him. I slid my hands under his shirt, up his back. "Please, Tony," I whispered, leaning forward so that my breasts brushed against his chest. I ran a finger down his face, and I saw the desire in his eyes. I leaned in and kissed him, and when he finally gave in and pulled me tightly against him and kissed me back, I knew I had had him.

Later, when I left him asleep on the bed, sheets and blankets everywhere, my body sleek with sweat as I tried to dress, I suddenly felt a wave of shame. I'd gotten what I'd came for, right? A truce, reassurance that he did feel the same, but he was just scared. And then this, a bonus. Good, hot sex. I'd never had better.

But I guess it'd really been Tony who'd gotten what he wanted. He didn't want a relationship, and I just showed him we didn't have to be in one. I should have told him I'd wait until he was ready to give a relationship a try, not offer my body to him like some cheap slut.

I just really hoped that Jaime didn't find out. The last thing I needed was for him to think I was a whore. A relationship, maybe he could understand. But this ... even I didn't understand this.
♠ ♠ ♠
UH OH. Do you think Kailee made the right choice? Do you think Tony's wrong to be scared of relationships? What would you do? I want comments!
And just a heads up, it might be a little longer this time before I update, I'm moving in about six days and I'm super busy with packing and cleaning and painting and whatever. And once I move, I won't have internet for a few days. But I'll be back asap I promise <3 Thanks for all the love!