Merch Girl.


A year later:-

‘John’ ‘I’m so glad you’re done with that company’ ‘it was surprisingly political, done more weaving than basket maker’ he smiled, ‘it’s been 8 weeks, I think’ ‘sorry, babe’ kissing him deeply, he blushed, ‘I’m so glad you’re home’ he began to cry, ‘Johnny, sweetheart’ ‘sorry, I’ve just been down’ ‘home, I’ll drive’ he smiled, passing the keys, she drove him home to their apartment, she guessed she got a beer, and sat with him, ‘John’ she murmured, ‘what’s up, darling?’ he could tell she was worried, resting his head in her lap, ‘I’ve missed you so much, and it’s like not having a piece of me, and just need you here’ she wiped his eyes, ‘I hated being away so long, I assure you’ wiping her own eyes.

‘I never loved anyone until I met you, it’s horrible, I love you, but I can’t lose you like that again’ ‘you never will, we made it, John’ he smiled, ‘you haven’t even seen a show since last year’ ‘I know, Phil was sick of me by December’ ‘Punker’ ‘I know, kept me out of trouble, you were so close to being my drinking problem’ he laughed, ‘so you hung out with straightedge dudes’ ‘exactly’ laughing, ‘Lu, please marry me?’ she stroked his cheek, ‘who else am I crazy in love with?’ kissing deeply, ‘I love you, I’m sorry I’ve made you feel like this, but it’s now my job to get you on those tours, so who’s going to feel like shit now, huh?’ he grinned, ‘but I have 4 weeks, and just wanna marry you, and honeymoon for august’ ‘let’s go do it’ heading for bed with a ring on her finger.

John pulled her close, ‘I love you, still, always will’ she smiled, ‘I love you too, you were a tour de force’ ‘I see what you did there’ he grinned, kissing her temple, ‘so, made some good friends?’ ‘Phil, Brian, Colt who I met in Chi-town, ermm, Kaitlyn, and Jim Johnson, hence why your songs kept popping up in WWE adverts’ ‘you put Identify on Wrestlemania’ ‘it was the best choice’ they giggled, ‘paid for five’ she smiled, ‘good’ snuggling into him, ‘Nick was so jealous’ they laughed, ‘you were so jealous back in the day’ ‘darling, we have a lot in common’ ‘indeed we do’ she smiled, ‘far more important things, when I’m with you, I’m at home’ ‘you were the ember to my flame, darling’ she smiled, ‘so were you’ she smiled, kissing him passionately, making love again.

they lived happily.