Merch Girl.

Washington D.C.

‘What’s your politics?’ looking at the Lincoln memorial with Joel, ‘when I do good, I feel good, when I do bad, I feel bad, that’s my religion, I think that’s my politics too, I’m a democrat’ he smiled, ‘you quoted Lincoln, at the Lincoln memorial’ ‘I did indeed’ wandering around Washington, ‘looking forward to the show?’ ‘kinda, I don’t know, I wish Brighten would play Be Human’ Joel laughed ‘and, you’d play Forbidden, and let’s not get started on the other two’ he laughed, ‘you wanna pick the sets you’re bored?’ ‘indeed, I now go and get my laptop’ Joel laughed, ‘right, come on, we’ll change the set’ heading back to the bus, ‘do you write?’ ‘nothing I particularly like, and you need a guitar, I’ve only learnt to play that recently’ they laughed, ‘do you know one you like by you?’ ‘there’s Maybe Tonight, I suppose’ ‘go on’ ‘I’ll sing it acapella’ singing it for Joel, she shrugged, ‘bit rubbish’ ‘that was fucking awesome’.

‘Who’s singing?’ ‘just Lu, being awesome’ ‘nahh, I’m just messing around’ Joel glared at her, ‘well, I’m writing with you, someday soon’ she laughed, ‘sure’ she smiled heading off the bus, ‘she’s really good John, here, I’ll show you, I recorded it’ he laughed, ‘fine, go on then’ putting his iPhone on the table, ‘see?’ ‘she’s pretty good, she can sang’ Joel laughed, ‘she can, shame she can’t see that’ ‘some people are born for this, you know?’ ‘well, I think whatever she’ll be great at it’ Joel shrugged, ‘you better keep this one’ ‘I am under so much pressure, from myself’.

John held her in his bunk, ‘I thought you couldn’t fall in love like a cliche’ he grinned, ‘I thought wrong’ she smiled, nuzzling his neck, ‘I love you’ ‘I love you too’ holding her tight, ‘are you going back to Portland?’ ‘I have to for a couple of weeks, but my first WWE show is in Arizona’ he grinned, ‘so I was thinking me and you could you know, hang out before I work for a couple of weeks?’ he grinned, ‘defInitely, but I live with my mum’ she smiled, ‘I know, you’ve said, but we could find a cheap hotel’ he grinned, ‘sounds good to me’ kissing deeply, he loved getting his hands on her, they giggled, ‘I love you’ ‘I love you too, but I wish the pretty boy would just have sex with me’ he laughed, ‘baby, making love’ he blushed, ‘of course’ she kissed hIm lingeringly, ‘but surely, fast or slow it’s all the same’ ‘no’ ‘right, you’ll have to educate me’ ‘you have’ ‘yes’ ‘fine’ making out.