Not the American Average

Ch. 7 What's Going On?

"Hey, are you ok? What's going on?" Ben asks me, but I can't answer because I'm still crying.

"Why were you back here? I know your scared but I need an answer, lovely." Ben says, trying to calm me down a bit.

I bite my lip and hold in the tears. I breath slowly, trying to catch my breath from all of the crying. Once I finally caught my breath, I tried to figure out a way to tell him, without him feeling it was all my fault.

"My friend, Carla snuck us back here by flirting with the security guard and then she left me. I started walking the halls and ended up getting lost because I didn't know my way around. Well, I turned around and at some point I ended up bumping into Danny, and I feel you know what happened from there." I say, still sniffling through a few words.

He looks upset and shocked, probably at Danny's actions. I honestly didn't care at this point.

"Hey, let's get you back in our dressing room and calmed down. I promise I won't let Danny do anything to you, and neither will the rest of the guys." He says, picking me up.

I felt him pull my dress down and walk me towards the area he wanted me in. He opened a door and sat the rest of Asking Alexandria minus Danny, and everyone from Of Mice and Men. They all looked up and the number one face that looked the most scared, was Austin Carlile.

"What the fuck happened, Ben?" Austin asks, angrily.

"Just find her something to wear and I'll explain to everyone in a minute. All I honestly need to say is, Danny." He says, placing me on an empty recliner.

Austin came back a few minutes later, handed me sweatpants and I really big t-shirt. I looked at the clothes, confused.

"We would like you to get dressed in these. We won't look." Austin says, covering his eyes, with a smirk written on his face.

I pulled the sweatpants under the dress. I however could get my dress unzipped so I ended up asking Austin to help me with the dress and shirt, which he did. After I was dressed, everyone was looking at me, asking me with their eyes what happened.

"Ben, can you tell them? I don't want to say it again." I say, looking away from everyone.

"That's fine... You know I didn't get your name." He says.

"My name's Amelia." I say quietly.

"I found Danny on top of Amelia, with his pants down, taking off her panties. Danny was going to rape her. He's really drunk right now, but that doesn't give him an excuse to be going around and raping people." He says, sadly.

I look down, disgusted with myself.

"Do you want us to call anyone?" Austin asks.

I nod, and hand him my phone after unlocking it and finding my moms contact information.

"Yes, hello ma'am. There's been a problem at the concert and we just wanted to call and tell you. I'm Austin Carlile, singer to Of Mice and Men. We will be taking care of Amelia until we feel she is ok, as long as that is alright with you." Austin says, talking to my mom.

All I heard was gibberish from the other line, so I had no clue what my mother was telling him.

"I'm afraid to tell you, but the lead singer to Asking Alexandria is really drunk at this moment and tried to rape your daughter." He says, biting his lip.

I now hear gibberish yelling from the other line.

"No, I don't think that it's safe to talk to her right now. She's kind of in shock. Nothing happened, though. Ben came to her rescue." Austin says, looking between Ben and myself.

"Ma'am I understand that you are mad. I didn't know your daughter was only 17. I promise we will take good care of her until she is ready to come home." Austin says in a quiet tone, trying to get my mother to calm down.

I still only hear gibberish from the other line, so I can only think what she is saying.

"Ok, ma'am. We'll try to get her home soon and safely." Austin says, and hangs the phone up.

"Here's your phone back. She said she wants to press charges, but that's up to you. I'm sorry that this happened to you. Would you like anything to eat?" Austin asks, sorrow in his eyes.

I shake my head no, not wanting anything to eat. I was really tired now, all of a sudden. I was also shaking my head no for pressing charges. I didn't want to get Asking Alexandria in trouble.

"She said that you can stay with us as long as it takes, just to keep Danny away from you. So, if you aren't ok by the time we need to head off, we'll have to bring you on the tour bus." Austin says.

I jump up, shaking my head no. That can't happen, my cars here.

"What's wrong with that? We'll bring you on our tour bus." Tino says, trying to calm me down, which wasn't going to happen for a while.

I bite my tongue and answer, "My car. I can't leave my car behind."

Then I started to get frantic, looking for my purse, because I had had it when I bumped into Danny, but then I remembered that I had pulled my phone out and that my purse was beside me.

"Well, you can't drive yourself home. Is it ok if one of us follows in behind the tour bus with your car. We have one more day until our next break, tomorrow, then we will be off for two days and we will be able to either drive you home safely, or make sure that you are in good enough shape to drive. Sound good?" Aaron says.

I nod my head, because I didn't have enough energy to fight about whether or not I'd be going home tonight or not. Honestly, if I just lay my head down for just a second, I'll probably fall asleep...

I woke up with a jolt, shaking all over, because I had had a nightmare. I couldn't remember what the nightmare was about, but I also wasn't where I had fallen asleep. I was in a moving tour bus. I got up and stretched, trying to figure out who's bus I was on. I walked into the kitchen area, where I saw a sad looking Austin sitting, writing what looked to me like a song.

"What are you writing there?" I ask out of curiosity.

He looks up, spooked by me standing behind him.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just working on the next album. You scared the hell out of me." He says.

I shake my head and start to laugh, rubbing my arms. I started to scratch at my right arm, because I am still disgusted with myself. I scratch until I feel something that is like liquid on my arms. I shake, looking down at the blood on my hands and arm.

Austin gets up in a panic and grabs my arms. He runs me over to the sink and lets the water run over my hands. He gets a paper towel and dabs at my skin.

"Never do that again or you'll be stuck with us all until the end of your summer vacation. You don't need to do this to yourself because of him." He says, sadly at me.

"Austin, I can't live after that. He tried to rape me. What else do you expect me to do?" I say, starting to cry.

"I expect you to be strong. He tried, but did not succeed. You can fight through this." He says, washing the rest of my arms off.

We stood there for a few minutes, just in the silence.

"May I see your phone? Your purse is back in the bunk you woke up in." He says.

I walk over to the bunk, searching through my purse. I found my purse, but not my keys. That's when I remember Aaron said that one of them would drive my car behind the tour bus. It's a good thing I have the button that flashes the lights and unlocks the car, or they'd never have found my car.

"Here, it's unlocked." I say, handing him my iPhone.

He does something, and starts to call someone.

"Hello again, ma'am. I was wondering if it would be ok if your daughter stayed with us until the end of her summer vacation. I feel that she is emotionally unstable and shouldn't be left alone for too long." He says.

He had called my mother, and she was still up, probably worrying about me. Like before, all I heard was gibberish on the other line.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm worried for her safety. She just tried to hurt herself, so I feel that it would be safest if she is around a group of people instead of just a few." Austin says, trying to persuade my mom.


"Ok, thank you ma'am. I'll take good care of her." He finishes, and hangs up.

I look at him, shocked out of my mind.

"Did she really say that it was alright?" I ask.

"I know how to sweet talk people. Now, your mother said you are 17. Did you just turn 17 or is your birthday coming up soon?' He asks, curiously.

"My birthday is actually coming up in two weeks. It's towards the end of June. I go back to school in August by the way." I explain to him.

"Will you be pressing charges on Danny?" He asks, worry written on his face.

"No, I like Asking Alexandria too much to screw the band over." I say, smiling at him.

"There's something else you aren't telling me." He states, clearly.

I bite my lip, knowing that deep down, I would have had sex with Danny as long as I was of age and that he wasn't drunk.

"Umm... If Danny hadn't been drunk and if I was of age, I would have most likely had sex with him because he is pretty cute and British." I say, looking away from Austin.

I look up at him, and he has shock written on his face.

"So if you were of age and if he wasn't drunk, you feel that you would have had sex with him? Even after what he just did?" Austin asks, awkwardly.

"Probably not after that, but I guess we will have to find out after my eighteenth birthday." I say, shrugging and feeling like a whore for saying that.

"I don't think you should do that. He could have really hurt you today. And tomorrow he's not going to remember any of it, and he won't be sorry because he'll just blame it on the alcohol." He says, looking down at the ground.

"Why does it matter, though? If I want to be an idiot and have sex with my almost rapist, why not let me. You aren't my father." I state.

"I may not be your father, but I am the one looking after you, and I say that you shouldn't have sex with Danny. He's too old for you anyways." He says, bluntly.

"Age is but a number Mr. Carlile. It doesn't matter, I'm not that dumb." I say rudely.

"If age is just a number then I guess that means you could have sex with me, too. I'm only 26 years old. Only basically a nine year age difference." He states, sassily.

"You know what, I want to go home. I'm sorry I'm apparently a band slut. I should just leave now. Hell, don't even stop the bus. Maybe I'll die on impact and have nothing to worry about anymore." I say, walking around the tour bus, starting to cry.

Austin comes and grabs me up, hugging me.

"I didn't mean it. I'm sorry." He says, and lets me cry into his shoulder.

I eventually fell asleep again, but this time on Austin. He was actually very comfortable.