Status: Active

Stay Here By My Side

Chapter 7

As they pulled up in front of the tree farm, it started to snow. Big, fat snow flakes that were sticking to everything they landed on. There was already a lot of snow on the ground, but this made it feel even more like Christmas, and for once Spencer loved it.

They got out of the car and made their way to the entrance, snow flakes forming in their hair and on their shoulders.

"The snow is so pretty," Spencer said as they started to walk along the trees.

"It really is. I've always loved winter." Ryan replied, a small smile on his face.

"Me too! Every single year just after New Years we used to go ice skating in Central Park. I loved it. It's the little things about winter, like that, that makes me love it so much."

"Exactly! Just like drinking a cup of hot chocolate after coming inside from the cold, or the way the snow clings to the branches on all of the trees."

There was another thing they had in common - their love for Winter. They walked a little farther down the path, looking at the different trees before they found one. It was a medium height, with full branches that created the perfect Christmas tree. Ryan went to go find a worker to cut it down for them.

After he left, Spencer watched as the snow flakes fluttered down, admiring each snowflake's uniqueness. It was extraordinary how every single one was different, not one of them being the same.

Spencer's parents would always comment about how observant she was, and seemed to notice the things that no one else would.

In fact, she had been thinking like herself a lot more in the past few days - for example noticing those little things- than she has since the accident. And it was a comforting thought that maybe the real Spencer wasn't gone after all. She was lost, but now she found herself again. And she had Ryan to thank for that.

- - - -

"Does the tree look straight?" Ryan asked after setting it up in the corner of his living room.

Spencer backed up to get a better look at it and shook her head.

"No, a little more to the left."


"Better," She confirmed. He grinned and opened the box of lights and ornaments. Ryan started on the lights, while Spencer sat back, sipping her hot chocolate that Ryan made for her. She decided to let him do the lights, because she was sure to mess it up somehow.

Christmas music was playing in the background, and there was a fire in the small fireplace. It was a perfect Christmas environment.

Ryan finished with the lights, so Spencer got up off the couch and began to help put up the red and gold ornaments. A few minutes later, the tree was done and looking more festive than ever. It was 100% better than the one back at the orphanage, but Spencer didn't want to think about that place right now. So she pushed it to the back of her mind, trying not to think of the fact that Mary will probably get angry with her because she was gone all day on Christmas eve. As of right know, she didn't care because for once, she was happy.