Twins: One a Vampire, One a Human

Ch.10: Is It Him?

Alice's POV:
Lucky for us, we didn't have dance rehearsal for the next couple of weeks. I think Ms. Rayn hated seeing us, well we hated seeing her. Hiding my broken ankle has been really tough around grandmother, Liam, our tutor, and everyone else. The only people who knew were us six.

Tutoring is becoming a drag, as soon he goes into his office, I put back all of the books he pulled out for me to read and leave with Celia, Caleb, and Serena. It was true what Celia said, Andy's notebook had everything that the old fart covered.

I managed to find the kitchen where regular food was, so I stole some Oreos, Peanut Butter, and Lemon Iced Tea Snapple. My weakness. Well second to chocolate chip cookies and hot chocolate. But only Jack knows about that one.

I was laying on my bed when Liam comes in, "Ms. Alice. We are having a visitor this evening, Mistress expects everyone to dress nice but casual." Crap. I stare at my ankle and at the closet. Holding the nice shoes.

I managed to find a pair of boots to cover my ankle, but were still low enough so it wasn't hard to walk on. but still painful. I wore the outfit that I been dying to wear since I got here, and the boots actually matched. I didn't think that this would exist in my closet here. Liam came to get me at 7:30 and lead me down to the entrance where everyone else was. Oh by the way, Heith and Ian left a week ago. They were getting bored around here since I guess Jack was to busy preparing for the cerimone and barely hung out with them.

The doors opened a guy walked in with who I'm guessing was his father.

The guy behind him walked in, he was either bald, or had a buzz cut. He was really tan, and showed off a bright smile. But he also looked queit and nervous at the same time. He fixes hie tie, avoiding eye contact with everyone.

We hear a loud crash outside and someone runs in, who looked like the older version of him.
The guy fixes his tie and grins at all of us. Their dad sighs, "excuse my son. This is sadly, a normal habit for him." "Not my fault I have to ride on a motorcycle while you two can run," the guy scuffs. As hot this guy was, something made me dislike him on the spot. "This is my other son, Rianolds." "But you guys can call me Rian." His dad laughs, "Rianolds, do not be ashamed of your name." "I'm Brett by the way. The older, human brother."

I stared at them, I almost thought they were twins. So Rian was a vampire, and he looked about my age...NO! We aren't allowed to meet the guy before the cerimone. It can't be him. "Shall we all go to dinner?" Rian follows behind Brett and their dad, staring at the floor with his hands in his pocket. "He's always been shy," Liam whispers to me. "Doesn't have to many friends back home, so they come here sometimes."

When we get into the ballroom for dinner, dinner was already served. I forced Jack to sit next to me just in case Rian was the guy who would be at the cerimone. "Relax. I doubt its him." "How do you know that? You haven't run into any of your girls yet." "I just know. Okay?" I sigh and scoot my chair a little closer to him.

"How is your studies going Rianolds?" "Good," Rian mumbles. "He's been working hard on his studies. But we don't expect him to have his cerimone any time soon. He still has lots to finish." Phew. "Well that is good. Jack and Alice will be having theirs in a couple of weeks." "Then I am looking forward to attending then." I look up at their dad and he's giving me a small smile. I look away, "grandmother." "Yes?"

"Can I be excused?" "Alice. We have guests." "I'm sorry, I just don't feel well." Before anyone could say anything I got out of my chair and ran as best as I could in the boots out of the ballroom. When I got far enough down a hall, I slid down a wall and sat on the floor. I took off the right boot and rubbed my ankle. It was nowhere near being healed at this rate. And I just know that Kris is the guy that might pick me at the cerimone. Why else would his dad look at me with a smile? Probably thinking I'll make a perfect wife for his youngest son.

"Alice? Are you ok?" Jack walks in my room and I was laying on my bed in sweats and a big t-shirt. "Alice, I'm sure Rian isn't-" "But why would their dad look at me like that Jack? Why would he? There could only be on explanation why. And I know that I am right." I couldn't stand sitting at the same table with the guy who could be my husband. Thats why I ran out. Hopefully this changed their minds about me, and he would move onto the next girl.

"Just come hang with the five of us then. We're gonna hangout in the movie room that Serena had found last night that grandmother has been keeping a secret from us. Its got a Wii, I know how much you like playing Just Dance." "And how am I supposed to play?" I stick my foot out to him. "Just come on. Its right down the hall from here, 5th door on the left."

I walked down the hall and found the door he was talking about. I opened it and saw Serena and Caleb playing Just Dance. "I DON'T GET THIS GAME!!," they both yell. Jack laughs, "its easy!!" He jumps off one of the black leather couches and grab the wii remote from Caleb. "HEY!" "Its easy! Me and my friends play it all the time!" "Easy for you to say!" "Glad you made it Alice!," Serena squeals. I take a seat on one of the couches and looked around. There was a large screen on the wall with a projector on the opposite wall that showed the game. The floor was black carpet, and the walls were blue. A snack bar was at the back with a vending machine. "Hey." I turn my head and see Rian standing behind the couch, almost making me jump out of it. "Uh. I." "Oh no you don't. You skipped dinner, and I don't blame you. Dinner was horrible. Your having the snacks we found in here," Celia guided me to the snack bar. I found the Oreos and Nutella and my mouth watered. I grabbed em and a glass of Snapple.

"Hey," I look up and see Brett smiling at me. "Uh. Hi." I push him away and walk back over to the couch. He sits down by me, "oh come on. I'm human. Your human." "How did you know that I'm human." "Easy. Your brother vamped out on me earlier." He laughs and Jack glares at him. "And for good reason," I growl. "And just because I'm human, doesn't mean I'm hooking up with you." "Oh come on? Have some fun before your cerimone?" "Last time I heard that, I got a broken ankle." I roll my eyes and hop over to the next couch on my left foot. "I'm sorry about my brother. He can be a real tool." I didn't realized I had sat down next to Rian. Can't I just get away from them!?

I dip a Oreo into the Nutella and eat it whole. "No shit," I say with my mouth full. Rian shows a small smile then it disappears. "Honestly. I don't care for being a vampire. I just wish I can be the human sibling, and he be the horny vampire." "Your horny?" I say in disgust and slid away from him. His eyes go wide, "thats not what I meant! I'm not! Its just every time he's around a girl he gets horny!" "Oh that is so much better to hear!!" "Alice! I! UGH!" He runs out of the room and slams the door behind him. "What the hell just happened " "Classic Rian. Always says the wrong thing in front of a girl," Brett rolls his eyes. "Doesn't know how to talk to them." "You do know there's three girls in here, one a vampire, that can kick you ass," Celia spoke up. Brett laughs, "I'm just saying the truth. Little brother needs to grow up." I look at Brett and back at the door. No wonder Rian is the way he is.

I finally found Rian on the largest balcony that faced the garden. He didn't hear me walking towards him."Hey Rian." He jumped and turned to see me. "Oh. Its you," he sighs. "Well thats pleasant to hear." "No. Uh. You took it the wrong way." "I'm just joking with you." I lean against the banister with him, the stars were out tonight. "I hate living in this world sometimes. I just want to leave it behind and go off tot he human world like Andy did. He's happier now then he was before. And I just keep thinking, maybe I'll finally be happy if I can leave this world. I don't expect you to understand it.
Probably think that I'm a wimp like my brother calls me." "No, I do understand. I actually hate living in the vampire world. Even in the regular class I hated it. Then me and Jack discover we're actually higher class-" "And you ended up hating it even more." "Yeah. Exactly." We stay quiet for a bit, he didn't make a move like other guys would. You know, two people alone on a balcony at night, the stars out, romantic. But he didn't even take a step closer to me, or tried to grab my hand. And I liked it.

"RIAN!!!" We heard Brett yell and we relaxed a bit. "Well. See you at your cerimone then. Hope the guy isn't a ass. Like some guys." "Mhm." We were both thinking Brett.

I laid in my bed that night, couldn't sleep. Something about Rian forced me to stay awake. I couldn't get him off of my mind. Which is bad because he made it clear that it wouldn't be him. He's one of the few who gets what I'm saying. Yeah. Jack hates higher class, but his life was perfect in the human world. My whole life I was stuck in vampire world, even as regular class. Living in the higher class just amped it up. And yeah Andy hated living his life here, but he changed it. Made it better. I'm stuck here. Because I'm human and can't hold power over them.