Twins: One a Vampire, One a Human

Ch.13: True Feelings

Zane's POV:
"JACK!!!!," I hear Alice screaming. I open my eyes, "ALICE!" My head was throbbing and realized I was laying in my bed. I touched the back of my head and felt something wrapped around it. Memories of that night came flooding back and I knew it was real. The Vampira's kidnapped Alice, along with other humans. "Jack!!" Serena ran over and hugged me. "Your okay!" "" Serena looked at me, tears in her eyes. I looked over at Andy who was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. "They took all 3 of them didn't they...." Serena nodded and the tears came now. I tried to get out of bed but Serena stopped me.

"You can't Jack, your to weak to leave." "Screw it, I'm going to save my sister." "You can't do that Jack!" "AND WHY CAN'T I!!!" Serena looks up at me and steps back. Jack stands up and kicks over the coffee table. "They also took Cat Jack..." The cerimone flashed in my mind, remembering Cat, that I had chosen her to be my fiance. "Your kidding." Serena shakes her head. "She doesn't have a vampire sibling, she's an only child. Her parents were to far from her to save her."

I sit back down on the bed and stare at the floor. Our human siblings and my fiance was kidnapped by the Vampira's. I knew something was wrong that night when Alice had came back to our old house and I could smell the scent of a Vampira in her hair. They must have known we would be coming here, and who we were.

"I have to go save Alice." "But Jack." "How can you say that Serena!! Caleb! Your younger brother! Is gone!!" "You don't think I realize that!? Yes me and him get into fights basically everyday! Stupid fights! But I still love him Jack!!" Serena runs out of the room and slams the door behind her. "I'm going with you." "What?" "I'm going with you. I'm saving Celia." "But Andy, your supposed to be touring soon." "That can wait. Celia is more important to me then my job."

Rian walks in, he had been crying as well. "They... they took Brett. Yeah I hate him, but he's still my
brother," he whispers. "Then come with us." Rian shakes his head, "my father won't allow it. He's sending me to England to keep me-" "SCREW HIGHER CLASS SHIT!! THIS IS OUR SIBLINGS WE'RE TALKING ABOUT!!!," I yell out. "Rian, they also took Alice. I know you chose her last night, and if you really cared about her. You would come with us."

Rian goes quiet and sits by Andy, staring at the floor. "I do care about her, a lot. Even though we only known each for a few hours, something between us clicked. It felt right with her." I felt the same way when I met Cat last night...

Alice's POV:
"This is where you will be staying." I look around at the room, black carpet, red walls. Everything was just...not me.

"What? You don't like it? How ungrateful." I spin around and glare at him. "I'm ungrateful!? HELLO! I was kidnapped!!! And I'm being forced to marry someone who I don't know!!" "Just like your life back home?" I stared at him and backed away from him. I knew Rian, but....we've only spent about an hour together And he chose me. "No! I actually know him!" "Really then. You hate higher class, and yet your defending it." "Shut...shut up..." "Face it. You know nothing about him. And you were okay with marrying him. So just live with it." He walks out and slams the door.

I run over to the bed and throw myself onto it, finally crying. I didn't want to admit it. But I knew he was right. Jack...where are you. I want to not only escape from here, but to also escape from the vampire world. I want to go back to the life I once knew.