Twins: One a Vampire, One a Human

Ch.11: Cerimone

Alice's POV:
Well the day has finally came. Our cerimone's. My ankle finally healed, and thats when me and jack got back into practicing the waltz. We knew grandmother would be suspicious if we didn't at least look decent when we dance tomorrow night. Grandmother had somehow arranged that it would take place at her castle, I guess since two of us are siblings. Apparently there's another ballroom, bigger then the one we've been eating in. And they have been decorating that one for the past month, making sure every last detail was correct.

Well it was the night before our cerimone's. Me and Jack had managed to sneak out and go into the room that Serena had found. "Jack. What if I don't get chosen tomorrow." "What do you mean?" I sigh and sit up straight. "You know what I mean. Your choosing your fiance tomorrow. If I don't get chosen, I have to go through this all over again." "Alice, that guy has to be crazy if he doesn't choose you. I've met a lot of vampire girls, and their stuck up bitches. Your not." "But I'm human. You haven't really been around other human girls." "Alice, no matter what happens tomorrow. I'll stick with you through the entire journey. If you don't get chosen, then I'll refuse and wait till you do." "Jack don't do that!" "Alice I don't even want to get married! I care more about you, and our bond!"

"Did...did you choose someone...?" The question has been killing me all week. I had to know if he did. Jack sighs. "I narrowed it down to two...but I'm not sure if one of them is the one for me. I mean I haven't even met them. How am I supposed to choose based on a profile." "Tell me about it. I don't even know who the guy is." "If the guy is an ass-" "Jack." "I'm just saying. After what...happend a couple weeks ago..."

Jack didn't dare to look me in the eyes, instead he looked at my ankle that I had broken. "I promised you four years ago that I would keep you safe. And I failed that night. Alice you have no idea how badly that ate me up." He finally looks up at me, "I felt your fear that night. And it made me hate myself for letting you feel that way. You have no idea how much of your feelings effect me with us being twins." I scooted over to him and hugged him tightly and he hugs me back. "Actually...I do..." And I meant it.

"Oh Alice you look so beautiful!!!," Serena squeals. I spin around and look myself in the mirror. At least I think it was me.

Somehow grandmother knew that this was my favorite style of dress. There was a royal blue one with real diamonds on it, but my gut was telling me to choose this one. My hair was down in soft curls. "Its best to keep it simple, show off your face, that should be the first thing he see's," my hair dresser told me. She had put on a think layer of makeup on me, and glitter in my hair. I didn't even recognize myself. My shoes were clear glass heals, I only thought that existed in Cinderella, and they were killing my feet.

"Its time to go. Jack won't be there till its time. The other girls are meeting up to be called." I step off the stool in front of the mirror and follow everyone. Serena and Celia were dressed in ball gowns to, but came nowhere near at how mine looked. We go down a hall I haven't been down yet and I started to hear talking and music playing. When we get to a large door at the end of the hall, I saw 19 other girls, all dressed to impress. Nine of them gave me a look, and went back to talking to each other. So that must be the girls I'm competing with. How wonderful. Serena and Celia say bye and quickly walk through the door.

"Doubt he's choosing her. Her parents are traitors." "Oh yeah. And that makes her and her brother traitors as well," I heard some girls whispering. "At least her brother is hot. To bad he has to be related to her." "What did you just say," I snap behind one girl. She was tall, tan, blond hair, and big boobs. She spun around and gave me a cold look with her pale blue eyes. "I don't even understand how you got a cerimone. Your family are traitors, and that makes you one to." "Oh really. Let me put this straight. Me and my brother didn't even know we were higher class till a month ago. So don't be hating on me for not knowing who I am. And also, my parents are traitors. They wanted to give us a normal life. Unlike something you had." "Please. I'm glad I didn't grow up in the poor, stupid, regular-" "Hey!!" I turn around and see a girl glaring at the blond bitch.

Unlike the blond bitch, she had the same body shape as me, dark brown eyes, blonde-white hair with some blue and pink streaks, and I could tell she had a nose piercing even though it was taken, and her dress was full black with glitter on it. The most simple dress but still beautiful. And in a way, we kind of looked alike. "There is nothing wrong with living in the regular class. Half of my life I grew up in the regular class, then had to switch to this." "Your family are traitors as well. I don't understand how you two are doing this."

The girl steps forward and I grab her arm. "Lets just walk away, we don't want to catch any of her bitchiness." She giggles and we walk away from the groups. "You must be Alice, I founded out that Jack would be choosing someone from my group. But the only thing I heard is his name, and that he has a twin sister." "My brother is choosing from your group?" She nods, "I'm Catelyn. But people back home call me Cat." She smiles, and it was cute. And based on the other girls, I hope Zane picks her. She seems to be the only other normal one here.

"Alice Carmen Barakat." The guy in the fancy suit called my name and the doors opened to a even larger ball room. I guess the theme was diamonds. Everywhere I looked, diamonds of all sizes were everywhere. The table cloths were white but had diamonds on them to. I walk down the staircase and walk over to the other girls who went first. Next was Cat's group, "Catelyn Andrea Green." Cat was the most beautiful in my opinion, I think with her nice personality that it made her more beautiful then the other girls. After we all get set in our places, the doors opened again. "Jack Bassam Barakat and-" You've got to be kidding me. My stomach and felt like it had hit the floor just staring at him. My stomach was doing flips and I feel like I could be sick and pass out right there. But something inside me told me to keep staring at him.

"Rianolds Lewis Dawson." Jack was looking around for me, and I saw him give me a small smile while looking at me quickly. Then his eyes went to his group, and his eyes found someone. But I wasn't paying attention to who. I was focused on Rian.

He finishes walking down the steps and walks over to us. The girls had pushed me to the back and they all smiled politely at him. I saw him look at all of them, his eyes searching their faces, but left each one quickly. "I see 9, where is the last girl, ladies?" "Why what do you mean? This is all who's here," I heard blond bitch say sweetly. "I know there is 10 girls." He searched through and his eyes met mine. "Um, can I walk through ladies?" I heard some gasps, and girls had angry looks towards me. He smiles and walks towards me. He bows and holds out his hand for me. "May I have this dance?" I grab his hand and he guides me out to the dance floor. The music was already playing, and Jack was dancing with someone, and I couldn't tell who.

Rian spins me slowly and pulls me in, placing a gentle hand on my lower back. "You know how to waltz?" He laughs, "of course I do. I was forced to learn." That made me laugh, "so was I." He spins me again and guides me around the dance floor. "I swear, I didn't know you were one of the 10. Until last week when they finally gave me your profile. Someone had miscounted and only gave me 9. I knew one was missing, and I knew I couldn't see myself married to either of them. Then I got your profile, and thought back to that night, and knew that it was meant for us to meet." "You make this sound like its fate." "Maybe it was. I wasn't happy with any of the girls, then I get your profile after I had already met you, and we had a connection. Fate had to play a part in this."

The music ends and another songs plays. I think back to that night when we connected on the balcony. And later that night I couldn't get him out of my head. "I must leave you for a quick moment." He bows and walks off.

"Hey!" I turn around and see Cat. "I knew it!!," I practically screamed. I knew Jack would pick Cat!! We laugh, "we're gonna be sister in laws!" Cat smiles big, "awesome! I always been the only child!" I smile back and thats when I heard a loud boom. It was louder then the one at the club.

The whole room shook, and before I knew it, people were pushing each other to get to the ballroom door. But then the door busted open and people ran in at lightning speed. I knew these were vampires, I run the opposite direction and hid under a table. There was screams and crashes all around me, and hisses.

"ALICE!!!!," I heard Jack cry. I get out from under the table, "JACK!" I saw him run towards me, and throws a punch past my head. I spin my head and see a pale vampire hit the floor from his punch. Jack grabs me and run towards the door. "I promise I won't leave you Alice!!" I kick off the glass shoes and run with him.

We keep running until we were alone in a dark hall alone. "Jack whats going on," I whisper, a cry threatening to escape. "Its them. The Vampiras. They've broken in and are trying to kidnap the humans." "The Vampiras!?" Jack nods, "there was no way I was letting them steal you away from me. You have no idea how they are Alice." He stops talking when we heard a chilling laugh go through the hall.

"How sweet. A brother and sister staying with each other. One keeping the other safe. But didn't you learn. Your no match for me boy." A large dark figure leaps at Jack sends him flying down the hall. "JACK!" Jack lands on the floor with a loud crack and thud, "Jack get up!!," I cry. His head had hit the floor to hard for him to wake up. I knew it had. I hear the chilling laugh behind me and spin around.

This guy reminded me of someone from Black Veil Brides, but more creepy and scary.

"So pretty. For a human of course." He grabs my chin and stares into my eyes with his blood red eyes. "Just close your eyes dear. And everything will be fine." I couldn't help it, my brain wasn't listening to me. And I close my eyes and everything goes dark.