Twins: One a Vampire, One a Human

Ch.12: Vampira Welcome

Alice's POV:
I felt like I had been drugged. My head, arms, legs, were heavy. My eyes were closed, but I knew I was someplace dark and damp. I could feel the goose bumps all over my bare skin, and my hair hung over my shoulders. I slowly opened my heavy eyes and looked around. I was sitting on the floor of a cell underground, it had to be underground. The bars were rusty, and the whole place was made of cobble stone. I look down and I was still wearing my dress, but it was wet, dirty, and torn now. What the hell happened All I remember was Jack being thrown across the hall, and a very tall Vampira looked into my eyes with his blood red ones.

I try to stand up, but my body still felt to heavy to lift. "Hello?," I let out a small whisper. "Alice!?" Celia!!! "Celia! Where are you!?" "The cell next to yours, I've been awake for a while now, and was worried you weren't here. Alice, I'm so glad your here to with me." "Celia, where are we?" "The royal palace of the Vampira's. I have no idea how many humans they got last night." "You mean we've been down here for a whole day?" "I don't know, I'm just guessing based on my stomach hurting from hunger." My stomach was feeling the same way.
I heard a loud screech, which sounded like a old door opening from somewhere. Loud footsteps came until someone stopped in front of my cell.

He was basically the definiton of a emo scene kid, he looked like my age. Really pale skin, lip piercing, straight black hair that covered his eyes. With piercing blue eyes. If he wasn't so scary I would actually find him cute.

He stares at me with his blue eyes, fangs out and his pale skin sort of glowed. "So, your the human girl everyone is talking about. King Draco will be pleased to see that your awake now. But first, I need to have a drink." He walks to the right and I hear a cell door screech open. "NO! No please!!" "CELIA!! DON'T HURT HER!!" "Scar, that is enough. You know we have people for that." "I know, but I'm growing tired of their blood. And this girl has a different type." "You know what King Draco said, we can't touch our guests." We're guests?! "He's given orders to bring up the humans to the dining hall." "Fine, I have this girl then." Celia screams, "shut up!!!" I see him walk by with Celia over his shoulder, hitting him on his back.

"Now now, I guess I will be escorting you then."

Something about him made me want to stay in the cell. His skin pale white, black hair just like the last boy, taller, and gray eyes. Lip piercing, and eye liner. He opens the cell door and walks over to me, while I scooted away from him till I had hit a wall. "Why are you moving away? I won't bite," he grins and shows his fangs. He grabs my right wrist and pulls me up to stand on my feet. "Now make this easy and just walk with me, and not difficult where I have to carry you like your friend." "Cousin," I snapped. "What did you just say?" he growled. "I said. Cousin. Get it straight." "Such an attitude but a pretty face. Now listen to me. I know your hungry, so if you want to eat, you will obey." My stomach was in pain from hunger and he smiles at me. "Good." He pulls me along while other Vampira's pulled humans out. Some I recognized and some I didn't.

We walk up a staircase and walk through the door. The halls were dark, and I couldn't see in front of me. "Now if you don't want to get lost, you will stay. Seeing how you can't even see," I knew he smiled behind his words. "We keep the halls dark so our guests wouldn't try to leave. It is so rude when our guests do though." We keep walking, making turns, his hand still holding tight onto my wrist. He stops and a large door opens. I look in, and the dining hall was similar to grandmother's except darker and more evil looking. Vampira's were sitting next to humans who looked like the same way I did I'm sure. Celia was shaking with fear and stared down at the table.

He takes me to a empty chair far away from Celia, the chair right by the head chair and he sits down by me. More people came in, being forced to sit. Till finally someone walked in and I wanted to run.

It was the vampira from last night with the blood red eyes. He sits down at the head chair and smiles at everyone. "So glad to see that we have new guests joining us tonight. My son cannot make it tonight to join us for dinner, but you all will meet him shortly though. I expect your all wondering why your all here. Well, my son will be marrying soon and I wanted the, well others from our kind to join us. So of course we had chosen you all to be our wedding guests. Sad thing is, my son has not yet been given a bride. But he will be given one soon." Something flashed in my head, there has to be a reason why they only took humans last night. Not just regular humans, humans that are siblings of Vampires. The only humans that can be turned into vampires.

We eat, well I ate little while everyone else dug in due to hunger. I wasn't in the mood to eat. "If you
are all done, your escorts will show you your rooms." The guy who lead me here stood up and grabbed my arm, "except for her. I would like to have a word with her." "Yes your majesty." He leaves with the other people until it was just us. I didn't look up at him but I could feel his eyes on mine. "I heave heard stories about you and your brother, Alice. How your parents are higher class but rose you two as regular class. And how you two are...twins," there was excitement in his voice.
"You must be starving, why don't you eat more?" I shake my head, still not looking up at him. "I said, why don't you eat more!!" He grabs my head and throws it backwards and shoves food into my mouth. I swallowed and looked up at him. His cold red eyes stared at me, "so pretty for a human. Yes. You will do. I knew I had made the right choice last night." I stare up at him with fear, "ah. You must be wondering what I am talking about. You do the math, my son is in need of a bride and you had your cerimone last night where I had chosen you."

It hit me like a wall of bricks, he chosen me to be his son's bride. He smiles down at me and pulls my chair back, but I stayed in it. "Let me get a better look at you." He grabs a fist full of my hair and pulls me up to stand in front of him. He circles me, eyeing me up and down, nodding once in a while. "Yes, my son will like you very much. Even though you are human of course."

He claps his hands, "Clark! Escort my son's fiance to her room. I want her to be comfortable while we wait for my son's return. After all, she will be my daughter in law soon." The guy, well Clark, walks in and grabs my arm. "Yes your majesty." And he pulls me along with him. "Oh, and dear. Don't wander around alone." King Draco laughs and the doors close behind us, leaving us in pitch black.