Twins: One a Vampire, One a Human

Ch.15: Prince Alexander

Alice's POV:
Well after our um, family reunion if you can even call it that, I made Clark to allow Caleb and Celia to come back with me to my room. I have to tell them what the hell is going on.

"YOUR WHAT!!!," they both yell. "Its not like I have a choice!!" "Yes you do Alice!" "Oh yeah! How am I going to get out of this!?" They both go quiet and look down. "Thats what I thought," I mumble. Clark comes in, "its time for you to get ready and for these two to leave." I glare at him as Caleb and Celia stand up. "Their my cousins. They stay." "I don't think so." A thought came to mind. Why didn't I think of this before!?

I walk up to him with a stern face and looked him dead in the eyes. Damn he was tall. "Now listen here. Clark. I'm marrying Prince Alexander, which means I'm in charge of you. Got that?" "Not yet. Prince Alexander can still call off the marriage. And when he does that, you will be left to the rest of the clan," he growls. I step back from him and to think I was scared before.

"Thats what I thought, don't you see. Your stuck here. All three of you. Now you two, come with me, and you. Get ready." He pulls them out and the door slams shut. Tears run down my face when I go into the closet. The closet was just like the one at grandmother's. Except the walls were red and the carpet was black.

I ended up choosing a outfit that is very similar to the one that I wore at grandmother's one night. I brushed my hair out and put the headband in. I looked at my reflection, it looked nice. And decided to put on eyeliner and red lipstick. Hey, I'm just trying to look like a female Vampira. And the color selection for the clothes is either black, red, dark blue, purple, or white.

I was playing Solitaire on the laptop when Clark came in. I look up at him and he stares at me. "Ugh, time already?" He stares at me a little longer and then shakes his head. "Yes, and drop the attitude." I jump off the bed and walk over to him. "I didn't realize we had that outfit in your closet." "What are you talking about." He shakes his head again, "Prince Alexander will be pleased that is all." "Uh...." "Nothing. Lets go." Again with the arm grip. I'm going to have a bruise at the end of this.

We get to the dining hall and there was a bunch of Vampira's, including Zack and Chasity, at the table. Only three empty chairs, King Draco was already there. Clark pulls out my chair and I sit down. It felt like everyone's eyes was watching me. Probably thinking that I'm a horrible choice for Prince Alexander.

Clark sits down across from me, leaving the chair between me and King Draco empty. At least I'm not sitting next to him again.

"We are very sorry that our father couldn't make it tonight King Draco," Chasity speaks up. "He's away right now." King Draco nods, his eyes closed. "I understand. I highly respect your father for what he has done." He opens his eyes and looks at me with a smile. "Everyone, this is Alice Barakat. She will be marrying my son Prince Alexander. I expect all of you to treat her as a equal."

Some people started to mumble, it left an uncomfortable feeling in the room. "Now, lets welcome my son." The doors open and I hear someone walk in. I didn't dare to look up to see who it is. He sits in the empty seat next to me, I'm not going to look up at him, not going to look up at him....
"Hi, I'm Alex." That voice. I've heard that voice before.

I look up at him in surprise, my jaw must have been hanging because once he got a good look at me his did to. The boy with the golden eyes is him!? His skin was just as pale as a I remember, now I notice the rose tattoo on his hand. His hair was still dark brown with a little bit of blond hanging over his eyes. And some muscle.

"My son has been away for some business. Make sure he can hunt in the human world without giving away his true nature." Was I supposed to be his meal that night!? "Lets eat."
We didn't look at each other for the rest of the dinner. Or even speak. At the end of dinner, Clark comes over to pull out my chair, "I'll take her back Clark," Alex speaks up. "Yes sir." My chair goes back and I stand up. I see his hand for me to take and took it carefully. He walks me out into the hall, "I feel like I need to explain," he whispers. "Oh really, you feel like you need to?" "Just trust me where we're going please." I knew he wasn't taking me to my room.

We walk more until he opens a door and we were in a bedroom. Oh god, his room!? I give him a look like he was crazy and ran for the door. "No stop! Its not what you think Alice!" "Oh really! You bring me to your room, knowing I can't walk through the halls!" He sighs, "okay I know thats what it seems like but its not." "Then what is it!" "For me to explain! Look, I didn't know my dad was arranging a marriage for me until I got here this morning. And when I met you last, the only reason I knew what was going on because I heard it. I was down the street when I heard you and your dad yelling. And when you were walking off, I saw your brother yelling for you to come back. Thats the only way I knew. Not because I was spying on you guys."

I look at him in the eyes, those golden eyes that pulled me in the first time. I look away quickly before I could be pulled in again. "How can I trust you." "Because I'm keeping this marriage." "WHAT!" "I'm sure you already know what will happen to you if I call off the marriage!" What Clark said to me came back, if he calls off the marriage then they'll let the clan have me. Was there literally no way out of this?

I close my eyes tightly and felt tears coming. I feel soft fingers touch my chin and he slowly lifts it. I open my eyes and he stares into mine. His eyes were soft and easy. Not cold and hard like the others. "I promise to keep you and your cousins safe. Kill me if I don't keep that promise. Thats why I brought in here, to keep you safe. Only people I approve of can come in, and so far thats only you. There's a spell on my room to do that. Your room doesn't." Well thats nice to know.
I knew he was telling the truth, his eyes said it all. "I have some clothes for you to change into." He walks over to the dresser and pulls out bright green pj shorts and a shirt to match. "Are these ok?" "There good." "You can change in the bathroom, I'll change out here, if that is ok with you." "Bathroom is fine."

I walk into the bathroom and lock the door. I change into the pj's and wash off the makeup with the facial soap that was on the sink. I take out the headband and pull my hair into a messy bun. I'm sleeping in the same bed as my soon to be husband. How wonderful.
I crack the door open a bit, "you decent?" "Yeah." I walk out and he's wearing a gray t-shirt and black pj pants. At least he's not like most guys who go shirtless.

"I can sleep on the couch if you like Alice." "I don't care what you do. I just want to go to sleep," I yawn. I get into his comfy bed, that smelled good, and cuddle into the blankets. I look up and he's getting into bed. "I'll let you have your space." "Uh...thanks." Wow. Most guys would go for the chance.

He lays down with a pillow between us. We stare at each other for a bit, those golden eyes glowed. We got closer to each other, still staring at each other. "What is it like...being human." "What do you mean?" "There's no humans here, well except you guys. And I made my father think that I was hunting. When really, I wanted to see what the human world was like." "Well its...human isn't it." He smiles, "I always wondered what it was like. I was born a Vampira, not human like vampires. Never got to experience it." "You would get annoyed of it sometimes. Knowing that your brother is faster and stronger then you sucks sometimes." He laughs which makes me laugh.

We were closer to each other this time, our faces barely touching. But I could feel his breath on my mouth. "Alice.." "Yeah..?" My eyes were closed and I felt his soft lips on mine. I felt a wave come over me and kissed him back. I never felt like this before with anyone. He pulls away slowly and we stare at each other. I smile at him and throw the pillow that was between us. "What are you doing?" "Screw giving me space. We're getting married so why not?" I cuddle up to him and he wraps his arms around me. I lay my head on his hard chest, feeling it move slowly. His fingers run through my hair and I close my eyes. I know this is our second time meeting, but this was perfect.