Twins: One a Vampire, One a Human

Ch.16: Past and Present Revealed

Jack's POV:
Me, Andy, and Rian have been walking through the woods for two days. And we still haven't found any trace of the Vampira's, its like they disappeared out of thin air.
"Do you have any idea where their clan might be?" "No idea. Only thing I know is that they live in a dark castles because they can't go out in the sun."
We stop to rest, it was almost night fall. "Do they live in different countries?" "Yeah. But I heard one of them speak and it was our language. So they must be in the U.S."
"We need to keep searching." "Why can't we just run Jack." "You know why. There's a bunch of human towns around us, we don't want to give ourselves away."
It has been really difficult to get Andy and Rian to understand this. You'd think they would, especially Andy, he basically lives in the human world.
"I'll go get us something to eat." I give him a look, "relax. There's a town near by, which means food." He walks off while I set up our tent. For the 2nd time. We are no where near finding them.
Alice, I promise I'll find you soon and bring you back home.

Alice's POV:
I run around the large library, while laughing and looking over my shoulder once in a while.
I slide to a stop in my socks and turn around. "BOO!" I scream and spin around, Alex was behind me with a large smile knowing he scared me.
"Alex!" I hit him on his shoulder and he laughs. "Aw, did I scare you?" "Yes!" He pouts in a cute way, "awwww. You know my weakness don't you." He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me towards him. "Does that mean you forgive me?" "Course I do."
I wrap my arms around his neck, he lifts me up and walks over to the closes chair. He sits down and I sit on his lap.
I was wearing sofies and a tank top, while Alex wore skinny jeans and a t-shirt. His dad didn't expect us tonight for dinner so we were free to do anything we wanted to do.
I look into his golden eyes, they were sparkly and give him a quick kiss on his cheek.
"Aw, just the cheek?" I nod and giggle. He grabs my chin and kisses me softly on the lips and I kiss him back. Something fills me up with heat when he kisses me, I never want it to stop he does.
He pulls away and moves some hair out of my face. "I'm so happy your here, you know that?" I nod and smile at him. I was told yesterday that they other humans and my cousins were released to go back home. Alex promised me that he would make sure that they would get home. Which made me feel better more knowing that they were safe and going back home.
"Sir, you are being asked to show for dinner tonight." Clark was standing a few feet away, ever since we got together Clark has been more "kind" if you can call it that to me.
"Are you serious? Dad promised me I wouldn't be." "He told me to come get you for dinner." I get up off Alex so he could get out of the chair. "He only asked for you sir." I look up at Alex and he gives me another kiss. "I'll be back soon."
They walk out and I sit down on the chair looking around. It was huge, bigger then grandmothers.
The door opens and Chasity walks in. She eyes me and goes to the opposite side of the library. "Whats your problem." "You are." "Excuse me?"
She walks over and throws down a book onto the floor. "You heard me. Your my problem. Everything was great before you came along." "Oh really." "Yeah."
"Sis why won't you be nice," Zack walks in. "Oh come on. Don't act like you like her being here." He shrugs and walks over to me. "Excuse Chasity, she's still in a bitchy mood." Chasity rolls her eyes and walks to a shelf.
"Hungry?" "Starving." "Well I guess I should walk you to the kitchen then. Seeing how both of us wasn't called for dinner." He grabs my hand and we walk out into the dark halls.
"I thought you hated me Zack." "Your family. been good for Alex." "What do you mean?" "I'll explain."
We reach the kitchen and he grabs some food for us. I sit on one of the stools and he sits by me. I grab a slice of bread and spread Nutella on it.
"So. Explain." Zack sighs and looks at me. "Well. Before Alex was depressed. For a long time actually. He would be gone for a whole night before returning before the sun rose. I knew where he was going. He was visiting human towns to spy. Trying to connect to a life he never had."
"Then there was a time when he didn't return for three months. He returned a few days ago, the day you two met." I stare down at the counter.
"He told me that he was going to runaway for good that night. He hated being here and didn't care that he's the heir to the throne. Then he met you. He changed. I saw it in his eyes. His eyes haven't shined that way in a long time. Last time they shined like that was before his mom died."
"Wow..." Zack nods, "I did hate you at one point. My father telling me and Chasity how your family left and are traitors. When really, they were trying to give you guys a better life. And I get it." "You do?" "Yeah. They wanted you guys to grow up normal."

I was in Alex's room when he walked in, taking off his tie. I smile and jump off the bed while running towards him. He laughs and hugs me tightly.
"How was dinner?" "Boring without you. Talking about plans when I take the throne." "When will that be?" "After we get married," he smiles at me. "He's also giving me the choice if I will allow you to stay human. And I didn't have to think about it. I told him I'll let you stay human as long as you want."
He moves some of my hair from my face, his golden eyes shining. What Zack told me comes back.
"Alex....can you tell something." "Sure, what is it?" "About your she died."
Alex looks away his eyes closed. I step back from him, "sorry..." "No..I should tell you. There's something I should tell you anyways."
We sit on the couch, him holding me close.
"My mom...she was beautiful. The happiest, most loving person that I've ever known. She always saw the good in people. I think its obvious where I get my personality from," he laughs.
"Even though dad is the way he is, my nanny back then told me what happened between them when they met. They were teenagers, younger then us. He was engaged to someone else, then he met her. Even though she was the complete opposite of him, he fell for her."
"But when I was passed away. She was out hunting when slayers got to her," Alex goes quiet and tears full his eyes.
"You don't have to continue Alex.." He shakes his head, "no. There's something else."
He takes a breath and looks down, "Slayers are humans, long lines of family. Start training when their 13. They live within the human world, living the life of a normal human family. When really their just hunting the town at night and looking for Vampires and other magical creatures."
"So your telling me..." "That you might have been friends with a slayer. Yes."
I think about all of my friends. Then think back to Janice. There's no way that she's a slayer. She sucks at gym.
"A year after mom died, dad decided to go near a human town to start having me learn to hunt. Little did I know what would happen."
"One night, I snuck out and went into a forest near a humans home. While I was hiding and watching, a little girl runs out of the house with her twin brother and they go into the woods."

Alex at 7 years old:
I was sitting in the tree, watching the twins run into the forest from their house.
"Wait up!," the girl calls after her brother. "Aw man! I left the blanket in the house!" "Then you better go get it then!," the girl laughs. Something about her was cute. Even though she was human.
Since mommy died, killed by Slayers, daddy has warned me to stay away from humans. But something about her, made me like her.
The brother runs back to the house, a little fast for a human.
The girl walks around, humming to herself and turning the flashlight on and off. The wind blows her purple dress around her ankles and her pigtails.
I climb down the tree and walk behind her quietly. She hasn't notice me.
"Hi." She jumps and screams. She turns around her big brown eyes wide in fear. She backs away, "no stop! I won't hurt you." She gives me a look.
"My daddy says not to trust people that aren't friends with my brother, and who don't go to my school."
I nod and smile at her, keeping my fangs a secret. "Thats very smart to listen to your daddy."
She steps closer, "I'm Alice." "Alex."
"Alice!! I have it!!" "Over here Jack!!!" She turns around and I run off. I don't want her brother to know about me.

For two weeks we snuck out to play in the woods. Dad doesn't know, he's to busy planning and out hunting.
I didn't care that Alice was human, I was happy again.

"Don't go Alex!," Alice was crying. I was leaving the next night, which meant that this would be my last time seeing her.
"I'm sorry Alice, I have to." I wasn't going to cry in front of her.
"Don't go!" She hugs me tightly and buries her face into my chest. I hug her tightly.
"I promise I'll be back one day." "Promise?" She looks up at me, her big brown eyes full of tears.
"Promise. But if I can't, then I promise you won't remember me." "What do you mean? I want to remember you." This is killing me.
I stare into her eyes and do the spell that dad taught me. To make her forget me, that we ever met.
She closes her eyes and she begins to sway before falling to her knees. I pick her up and run back to her house. I climb up the tree while holding her and go into her room.
I lay her on her bed and pull the blanket on her. I run out and back into the woods. Far from her and far from our two weeks. I never been this happy since mommy died.

Present Day, Alice's POV:
I stare up at him in shock, we met when we were 7? And he erased my mind of it?
"I had to do it Alice. You have no idea how broken I was when I had to leave. I didn't want you to feel that hurt that I had to go through." "You should have kept my memory Alex."
"I couldn't Alice. I didn't know that you knew about vampires. I didn't know that your dad and brother were vampires until we met again three months ago. At first I thought it wasn't you, but when I heard Jack yelling your name to come back. I knew it was you. And I recognized the house. Thats why I told you to go home. Vampiras were out and I didn't want them to go after you. Alice, I did all of that to protect you. I...I fell for you when I was seven. I haven't forgotten about you since."
I stare up at him, tears were running down my face now. I kiss him, holding his face between my hands.
"If I had my memory, I'm sure I fell in love with you to when I was seven."
Zane's POV:
"JACK! RUN!" I hear Andy yelling and there was people dressed in black running after him.
I run to at top speed and he was by me. "What the hell is going on!?" "Slayers!"
We keep running until someone tackled me to the ground. It was a girl.
I push her off, but she held up a wooden steak and glares at me through her mask. I run off, and she runs after me, catches my ankle and I fall hard onto the ground.
She kicks me onto my back and stares down at me. Her red hair flowing in the wind in a ponytail.
I look up at her, "if your going to kill me do it already." Her eyes go wide and shakes her head. She backs away a bit.
"Whats your problem?" She pulls off her mask and my heart stops.