Twins: One a Vampire, One a Human

Ch.2: We're What!?

Alice's POV:
I hear dad yell for me downstairs, "COMING!!" I get out of bed and brush my hair quickly before going down. I sit on the bar stool that was next to Jack, he wasn't paying attention to me and dad, he was to busy reading one of his school books. I look up at dad who was fixing dinner. "Mom working late?" Mom was a nurse so I guess with her getting blood bags that are about to expire, it helps my dad and Jack''s thirst.

Even though me and Jack are twins, I was born with brown hair from dad while Jack got black hair from mom.

"Seeing how you both are graduating in 2 weeks-" "And me going to University in the fall!!!," I interrupt him. Jack laughs but doesn't look up at us. On August 25th, I leave here and go to University in Kentucky, the only state where there are no vampires according to mom and dad. Jack isn't going to college, instead he is traveling the world, visiting me and home once in a while. The only vampires that can go to college are the higher class. But he goes to a private school for vampires 20 minutes away, while I go to normal, human school, my paradise. As far I know,I'm the only human at school with a vampire sibling. Not like I would ask around if anyone else does. I had to make my brother and his friends swear they would not reveal who they are around my friends.

Dad sighs and loos at me, "your mother and I have decided to tell you two something tonight during dinner. Something we should have told you years ago." He walks out and goes into his office. Jack looks up at me his eyebrows raised. "This must be serious." "Yeah."
"WE'RE WHAT!!!!" Me and Jack yell and both jump out of our chairs, slamming our hands down onto the table at the same time. We stare at our parents dumb-founded. There is no way that we could be!!
Mom nods, "yes. We're higher class." Well this explains why we've never been to a family reunion in our lives. We lived in a normal neighborhood, we go to normal schools, and last time we checked there is nothing normal about the higher class.

"I don't believe you!!" "Alice!! Jack!! Sit back down!!" We sit back down with our arms crossed over our chests. "Your father and I both come from higher class families, but we decided to raise you two as regular class so that you can have a life that we didn't have growing up." "And there is one more thing." "Oh great, let me guess. I have to switch schools for the two weeks?," I snap. "Alice," mom snaps back. Dad sighs and looks at us, "it is highly rare for siblings to be twins." Jack rolls his eyes, "Ian and his sister are twins. How is that rare." "I mean, it is highly rare for a higher class family to have children to be twins.

The last time a higher class family had twins was when the original clans existed." "Twins who born into a higher class family have a power, a bond, that is not found in twins born in the regular class." "Explain." "Well, does not matter if it is the vampire or human, when one is in danger, the other can disappear and re-appear where the other one is. Does this make since?" Me and Jack stare at each other, I have feeling we were thinking of the same thing that happened back in Freshmen year.
I throw my stuff down and climb over the fence that was at the back of the school. "OH ALICE!!!," Justin and his four friends call. I run into the forest, it was thicker then the one behind my house. I could still hear them calling for me, and I decided to climb up a tree and hide behind the thick branches. My converse didn't have great hold on the tree, so I had to use my upper body strength to pull me up. I hid before they ran below and stopped. I didn't dare to move, and kept my breathing quiet even though I was panicking.

It was prank week on the Freshmen, the Senior girls pull minor pranks, like a frog in someones locker.

But the Senior guys, like the ones chasing me, go beyond extremes. Yesterday they took Katie Bell back to one of their houses, when she came to school today she was in tears and had bruises. So can you blame me for being scared to death of them. They look around, "Justin lets just go back and get the girl in the bathroom, she's alone and easier." They were talking about my friend Janice, I told her to hide in their for safety while they chased me. Anger boiled up inside me.

Justin looks around, "she's around here, I know it. She couldn't have gone far. Come on." They walk more into the forest, I waited for them to be gone before I climbed back down. I was half way down when my stupid converse didn't keep its hold on the tree which made me slip and screamed as I fell. I landed on the ground on my stomach and groaned in pain. I heard footsteps behind me, I quickly got up but was tackled by one of Justin's friends. His friend pulls me up quickly, and holds me tightly against him. Justin walks up to us grinning at me.

I tried to move but his friend kept a firm hold of me. Justin holds my chin and I try to bite him. "Feisty huh?" He slaps me across the face hard, causing me to let out a scream. He grabs hold of my chin forcefully this time and forces me to look up at him. "So pretty. Prettier then Katie Bell, we'll have fun with this one guys." His friends laugh and he grins more. "Derek, ropes, lets tie her to a tree so she can't run off when we try to have some fun." The only person I could think of was Jack as they held me against the tree and tied me tightly to it. I knew Jack would kick their asses and kill them if he saw this.

The ropes were so tight, that it hurt to move. "Now, shall I go first?" Justin stands in front of me and moves my hair out of my face. He leans in and whispers softly to me, "I have been waiting for this all year. Where's your brother now?" I close my eyes tightly and heard a loud snap. I felt Justin be pulled off me and his friends yelling and punches. I didn't dare to open his eyes, maybe his friends were fighting to go first. I heard running and strong hands grabbing my shoulders. "Get away from me Justin!!!" "Alice its me!"

My eyes shoot open and Jack was staring at me. He lightly touches my face where Justin slapped me and I winced. He unties me from the tree and I fall into his arms, hugging him tightly and crying into his chest. I never cried before in front of Jack. Jack holds me tight, rubbing the back of my head with a gentle hand. "Sh...its ok.." "I thought...I thought that..." "I know...I promise I'll never let you be harmed Alice.."

Jack and I stand up, walk out onto the back porch, and into the forest. We walk for about 10 minutes hand in hand till we reached the shack we had built when we were 15 that turned into our hideout. I sit on the old couch we had found in the basement, and Jack took a seat on his old computer chair.

"Alice..." "Yeah Jack..." We have never spoken about that day, now it makes since. "I have to tell you what happened to me that day.." I look up at him, and he was looking down at his hands in his lap. "I was at school, hanging out with my friends. Thats when I heard a voice in my head saying my name. It was low, a soft whisper. Then it came again, a little louder. But then a girl screamed my name in my head, your scream. Suddenly everything went black, and I appeared where you were behind those guys, watching Justin handling you," he let out a deep growl from his throat. "I didn't understand it back then, but now I do. So it must be true, we're higher class."

That could the only explanation how that happened Another thought came to mind though. "Jack." "Yeah." "Think. Think hard." There is one thing we hated about the higher class. "Shit." "Yep."