Twins: One a Vampire, One a Human

Ch.17: Slayer Life

Jack's POV:
I hear more yelling and running near by. Janice helps me up quickly and pushes me away. "Go! Now Jack!" "Janice, your...your a..." "Yes. I'm a Slayer. Now go!"
I run off and hear Janice yelling at the other Slayers which way I went, which was in the wrong direction.
I stop running after 10 minutes and see Andy and Rian waiting for me in a tree. "What took you so long?"
I can't believe this. Alice's best friend since Elementary school, is a Slayer. And based on her reaction, she had no idea I was a vampire until now.

Janice's POV:
I tell the other Slayers false directions where Jack went, but didn't tell them his name.
I have been best friends with Alice practically since Kindergarten and never knew that Jack was a vampire.
Now I wonder if her parents are vampires too. I was raised to hate vampires and other creatures that aren't human. But how can I hate my best friends brother who's basically a brother to me?
"Janice! Which way did they go?" My father runs up, barely out of breath.

He had ginger hair and green eyes like me, but I had my mother's personality.

My father was the Slayers leader in our area, and without any siblings, I'm next in line to become leader.
But I've only started hunting and slaying after I graduated. When I was friends with Alice, I didn't want to be a Slayer, didn't want to be part of this life. Father had me train when I turned 13, but saw how I didn't want to take part of this life, and how badly I wanted to keep it a secret from Alice.
But ever since our fight before school ended, everything changed. I no longer have a future at Kentucky State, as soon my father founded out about me and Alice he canceled all of my college plans and forced me to come with him.
I made him promise me before high school to let me go to college and to live in the human world without slaying, but only with Alice. I think he was hoping for that day to end.
"Janice, you know what to do when your alone with a vampire. Wound it so it'll be slow." "Yes I know."
He sighs and walks off where the other Slayers were.
"Can't believe you get to be the next leader," sneered my cousin Justin.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for you, one of us would be next," snaps my other cousin Carly.

"Your weak. And unlike you, we've been doing this since we were 13. Your only 18, and we're 20 and 21." I roll my eyes, ever since I came in they've been pissed and making rude comments.
Father comes back and tells us we're going back to our hide out cabin near by to rest.
When we get to the cabin I go straight to my room that was near Father's.
My room was small, a twin size bed and a dresser. Didn't need much when your always on the run.
We ate dinner with the 20 other slayers, then I quickly went back to my room.
The only other thing I had in my room was a picture of mom taped behind the dresser.
My died mom when I was 7, while slaying another vampire. She was successful but the vampire had bit her and begged dad to let her die as a human.
Justin walks in and leans against my wall by the door. "What do you want Justin," I groan. "I figured I tell you something seeing how your no longer friends with that Alice girl," he sneers. I glare at him and sit up on my bed.
Everyone hated Alice, because she is what was stopping me of being a Slayer.
"Well what is it then," I snap. I hated it when people talked bad about Alice.
"Remember when you two were in 9th grade?" "Uh yeah, Senior pranks. Thanks for not pranking me by the way." He put worms in my food when I wasn't looking, he did it so no one would know that we were related.
"Well, me and my guys chased your little friend Alice out into the forest." "Wait, that was you!?" I remember Alice telling me about some guys chasing her into the forest behind our school on the last day of Senior Prank week. She never told me what had happened in the forest with them, and who they were.
"Yeah, that was us. And believe me, if it wasn't for her brother I would of taken her-" "SHUT UP AND GET OUT!!!"
Carly, dad, and a few others run in. I didn't realized that I had screamed.
"I HATE YOU!!" I run at Justin but dad catches me before I could strangle his neck. "YOUR DEAD TO ME JUSTIN!!! YOU HEAR ME! DEAD!!" Justin grins and walks out. "Sensitive much," Carly mumbles. I try to run at her but dad holds me tighter.
"Carly get out." Carly walks out and closes the door.
Dad sits me on the bed, I didn't want to be here. "Janice now tell me what happened " "Justin happened! He's the guy that chased Alice into the forest back in 9th grade!! She never told me what happened but Justin pretty much told me what he had planned for her!!" I screamed at him and tears were running down my face.
"I hate him!! And I hate being here!! I don't want to be a Slayer!!" I didn't dare to look up at him.
"Janice.... you know how Justin is." "Your defending him!? For wanting to rape my best friend four years ago!?" "Janice, you have to learn to forgive-" "Don't ever tell me to forgive him! Thats like telling me forgive the vampire that killed mom!"
I knew what I just said was the wrong thing to say.
"That is completely different," his voice grew darker. "Explain it to me then. I would love to hear this." "The difference is that your mother is dead, and Alice is alive." He walks out and slams the door.
I stare down at the floor, everything changed ever since mine and Alice's fight. I wish I didn't panicked when she told me she had to leave. All I thought was of dad forcing me to be a Slayer. If I didn't panic and fought with her, I wouldn't be where I am.
Stuck in a cabin full of Slayers. A life I never wanted.