Twins: One a Vampire, One a Human

Ch.18: Dream Dress

Jack's POV:
Andy, Rian and I have been hiding out in the mountains ever since the slayers attack last week. Their after 3 young male vampires now since we got away.
Janice. I never thought of all people, that Janice would be a slayer. She was like my 2nd sister growing up, I had actually started to like her when we were in middle school. But then Alice made me swear that I would never date any of her friends. Especially her best friend.
Yeah I know I let her date Heith, but that was because he wouldn't stop bugging the crap out of me. And I think it taught her a lesson to not go for vampire guys.
But Janice. I have even been over to her house multiple times, and not once did I see anything that would belong to a slayer. Its like she's brand new into it. But slayers are a family line, so her dad must be part of it. We don't really know what happened to her mom, she passed away when we were 6. But her dad never re-married.
I was laying on the ground, watching the night sky. "Hey, what you doing." I look over to my right and see Andy sitting by me.
"Just...thinking." "About what?" "About Alice. About Janice." "Who's Janice?" Maybe I shouldn't tell him. I mean, yeah she's Alice's friend, but she's still a slayer.
"Alice's best friend. Well was her best friend before we left. She hasn't heard from her." Andy sighs, "yeah. She mentioned about her a few times. And I get where she's coming from. I haven't seen my band mates and friends for 3 months. I don't want the band to break up because of me."
I look at him, if Andy stays here any longer, his band might not be around any longer.
We have to find Alice and the others quick.
Alice's POV:
"How about this dress?" The maids were having me look at wedding dresses. "Prince Alexander would adore you in this dress." I look at it, I didn't like it.
These were not me. It was in their style, not mine.
Zack walks in, and the maids go crazy on him.
"Men are not allowed!!!" "Get out Zack!" "He can stay, he's family." The maids glare at him and he laughs while walking over.
The maids show me more dresses and I keep shaking my head to all of them.
"Can me and my cousin have some time alone?" "Zack-" "Please ladies, let her cousin help her."
The glare at him again and leave.
I sigh and rest my head in my hands. "Stressful isn't it," he laughs. "I don't like any of these. None are me, so how am I supposed to choose?"
He looks at the dresses and nods, "I see what you mean. But... I have an idea." "What is it?"
He picks up a dress, "come with me."
He guides me through the dark hall, I think we walked for 10 minutes. Until he opens a door, that lead into a tunnel that went down with torches on the walls.
We keep walking and I hear a explosion, with a girl screaming. "Holy shit, what was that?" "Our family witch," he grumbles. "Not the brightest witch in the spell book if you know what I mean."
We keep walking and enter a room that was decorated well like, a room for a teenage witch. And a girl cleaning up purple goop around a cauldron. She was adorable. She had blonde scene hair, light pink almost white strapless top, black skinny jeans, a big pink bow in her hair, and no shoes.
"Clara!" She stops and looks up at us. "Oh my gosh!! I'm sooooo sorry about the mess!!"
She was basically the witch version of Serena. Oh joy....
"We need you to make a dress for Alice." She smiles up at me, she was shorter then me. Thats a first for me to say.
"So your Miss Alice marrying our Alex boy!" "Uh...yeah." She talked like a normal teenager.
"Yes. She is. And I need you to transform this dress into something that is more her."
"Okay okay! Put it on and I can work my magic."
I give Zack a look and he leaves the room real quick so I can change. I hated the dress, "okay I'm decent."
He walks in and makes a face, "that dress is horrible." "No shit."
Clara eyes me up and down, "hmmm... OH! I know!"
She wiggles her fingers at the dress and says something in another language. The fabric started to morph into another design and stuff was added to it. "Done! Take a look."
I walk over to her mirror and gap at my reflection.
It was my dream dress, I had thought of this dress when I was 10, and drew it. That picture is still in my dresser back at home.
I look at her in shock, and she's smiling. "Witches intuition. Do you like it?" "Like it!? I LOVE IT!"
I hug her tightly and she giggles. "No problem."
I look at Zack and he's smiling. "That is you. I can tell."
I keep looking at the dress from different angles in the mirror, its exactly how I thought of it when I was 10.
"So how did dress choosing go today?" Me and Alex were laying on his couch, the TV playing a show on mute.
"It went good. Clara made my dream dress from when I was 10." "Zack took you to Clara? And she didn't destroy anything?," he laughs and I laugh to.
"She did make a mess of something before we came in." "Classic Clara. Always making a mess. But believe it or not, we actually treat her better then most families. She's living in luxury and we don't let her starve. I just my father would take my advice on NOT giving her sweets."
I laugh, no wonder she was so hyper.
"When is our wedding?" "In a week," he smiles down at me.
Yeah, I only been here for a couple of weeks, but something clicked between us. Maybe it was cuz we met when we were 7 and we fell in love back then. I don't remember it, but Alex never forgot about me. Maybe we were meant to be.
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