Twins: One a Vampire, One a Human

Ch.19: Wedding

Alice's POV:
Today was the day I was getting married to Alex. The first boy that I fell in love with.
Today was supposed to be perfect. But it wasn't.
I sat there, my wedding dress torn up, with blood and dirt on it. Glaring at my brother Jack.
That morning:
I wake up and look around, Alex wasn't around. Today I'm getting married to Alex, a smile spreads across my face.
I jump out of bed and go to get ready. When I walk out of the bathroom, there was roses spread across my bed with a note. I pick up the note and read it.
"Each rose pedal represents how many times I have smiled when I thought of you. I can't wait for tonight. Love, Alex." I smile bigger, pick up a rose and smell it. It was amazing, I never smelled a rose like this before.
Zack walks in and smiles at me, "ready to go get some breakfast cous?" "You bet, starving." I grab his hand and he walks me out.
When we get to the kitchen there was already a hot plate of french toast waiting for me. I sit on the bar stool and start eating, Zack sits by me and drinks a glass of warm blood.
It reminded me of the old days when me and Jack would eat breakfast at our old house.
I sigh and put my fork down. Jack. Not once have I thought about him while being here except for the first few days.
"Whats wrong Alice?" I look up at Zack who had a concerned look. "Its nothing.." "No its not. Tell me." " brother Jack. Traditionally he's the one who's supposed to walk me down the aisle." "But I will be walking you down."
"I know...but its not the same." Its tradition for the vampire sibling to walk the human sibling down the aisle.
I wonder where he was.
Jack's POV:
Me, Rian, and Andy were being chased by Slayers again, a different group this time. I love Janice more now since she guided her group away from us. But there was no way she had control over this one.
We keep running at top speed, the woods were getting thicker and darker.
We stop to take a breath and could hear them yelling. "Where did they go!?" "I can't see in there! Even with the sun up!"
They were right, it was almost pitch black in here.
"They'll come back out. They need blood to survive."
We hear them walk away and I sigh. I was probably no where near Alice now because of them.
"Where do you think we are?" "I don't know, I never been here before."
"Which way did the vampires go!?," we hear a girl yell. Crap. "In there! But I wouldn't go in there if I were you!" "What do they look like?" They describe us, "HEY COME BACK HERE!," some yell.
We go up in a tree, she wouldn't be able to see us.
I see a girl walking, "Jack? Its me, Janice." Rian and Andy looks at me oddly but I ignore them.
I jump down and land in front of Janice.
She could barely see but I know she heard me. "Its okay Janice, its me." She sighs, "thank god I found you." Rian and Andy jump down but keeps their distance from her.
"Janice, what are you doing out here. This is far from where we saw you last." "I know, I left my Slayer group saying that I wanted to go on a private mission to hunt down you three. They think since I'm the youngest girl that I would succeed."
She laughs and I laugh to. Rian and Andy just had a confused look.
"I really missed you Janice." "I missed you to Jack." I'm really glad Janice couldn't see me, because I was eyeing her. I haven't seen her in months and I had forgotten how pretty she was. I had always thought she was pretty, and died to kiss her at some points. We got along great as friends. But sometimes, I wanted to be more. But I kept my distance. I smiled at her, her bright green eyes glowed a bit in the dark.
"Where are we Jack?" "We don't know, I haven't been in woods this dark before." "Same." "I think I know where we are," Andy speaks up.
"Where are we?" "I heard that vampiras live in thick, dark woods, because they can't go in the sun. We're in vampira territory."
Vampiras. The one's who kidnapped Alice. "I think their castle isn't that far from here." "What are vampiras?" "The one's that Slayers should be killing, NOT vampires. No wonder you guys are confused on what vampires are."
Now it all made since. Slayers didn't know about vampires and vampiras. So all these years, they thought that vampiras were vampires. No wonder they wanted to kill us.
But not Janice. Janice was different, I just knew it.
"I bet if we run, we'll find their village and castle." "Good plan." I hold Janice's hand, "its okay. I got you." She smiles, "I really missed you Jack." "I missed you to."
We run until we hear voices. We hide behind some trees which wasn't hard to do. The woods were thicker.
There was vampiras everywhere. So glad Janice couldn't see them.
"I can't believe that Prince Alexander is getting married today." "I know, but its about time that he does." "I hear his fiance is human." A couple of them gasp. "She isn't."
"She is, but I also hear that Prince Alexander actually loves her, and she loves him back." "Doesn't matter, she's a human." "A human that King Draco had chosen for him. So we must respect King Draco's decisions."
"I also hear that she comes from a long line of higher class vampires." "That is true, maybe another reason why he had chosen her." "I also hear that she has a twin brother who's a vampire."
It can't be Alice.
"No wonder King Draco chose her, higher class twins are supposed to have a bond that no other twins hold." "Exactly, so he must have plans for Prince Alexander and her." "What is her name exactly?" "Alice."
Janice stiffened up, and Rian had to hold me back from running towards them.
"We must hurry, the wedding will start soon." All of them run off, leaving us alone.
"Are...are they talking about.." "Yeah...their talking about Alice."
My sister. Is being forced to marry a vampira prince.
He is dead.
Alice's POV:
I smile at my reflection. My dress fell perfectly and my hair and make up was done the way I wanted it. I twirl around and Clara giggles.
"Need anything else miss?" "No. Its perfect." Everything was perfect. Zack walks in, wearing a black suite with a rose in it. He smiles at me and bows, "are you ready?"
I walk over to him and hold his hand. "Yes."
My heart was pounding but I was excited. On the other other side of the black glass door was the aisle, and the end of the aisle was Alex.
I hear the music starting to play, Zack was by me with his arm crossed with mine. My bouquet in my other hand.
The doors open and the room looked amazing.
Diamonds, rubies, and purple stones were hanging from the ceiling, the aisle was silver silk, and candles floated around us. Must of been the work of Clara.
We start walking down the aisle, and I smile up at Alex. He smiles back, he was nervous as well.
We reach him and Zack leaves my side. We turn to face each other, smiling at each other.
"I love you," he mouths. I mouth it back and he smiles bigger.
We were almost done with the vows, then it was time for the I do's.
Alex slides the silver ring onto my finger, "I do." I slide a ring on his finger and says I do.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." As soon our lips touch, someone lets out a blood curdling scream, we weren't even paying attention to anyone else.
I look at the pastor who had a stake through his chest. I scream at the sight of blood dripping from his chest and the stake. Alex holds me close and runs me out. There was 4 figures running around, throwing stakes at everyone. A little girl lands in front of me, blood covering her blonde hair. I wanted to cry.
Alex moves me away from her and out a door.
It was dark but we kept running because he could see.
"Alex whats going on." "There's a attack taking place. I have to get you out of here."
We keep running until I hear something. "Alex what was that." "I don't-" Alex gets pulled away from me and I scream for him. "ALEX!!"
I couldn't see a damn thing, I was stuck.
"ALICE! Just run straight!" I run straight like he told me to, holding my dress up so I wouldn't trip.
I kick off my heels to run faster. I hear someone behind me and I pick up speed.
I run into something hard that felt like wood. I feel the wood and then I feel a handle. I open the door and there was light in the room.
I run in and slam the door closed.
Alex was out there but I couldn't help him. I look down and my dress was covered in blood and torn.
The door opens and I hide. "Alice. Its me."